Chapter Eighty: Illyana

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Shae and I talk for hours. She tells me everything that happened from the moment I left. When she talks about her work with the Knights, her smile is bright and wide. I can't help but smile too. When I talk to her about my travels, she listens intensely. Her eyes are wide and curious. As I talk about my time with the Lupine and especially Kai, she gets all giddy. Behind her, Razan is curled up and she strokes his soft fur gently. He turns and gives her a large lick. Shae laughs and Razan nudges her.

"I can't believe you got married," she sighs when I am finished.

"I know," I chuckle and shake my head.

"And without me there. You bitch," she laughs. I join her.

"You know, Fallon said the same thing," I say.

"I bet she also slapped you," Shae jokes.

"Yeah," I laugh. 

"I am so happy for you two. I can't wait to see Kai again," she sighs. I nod my head.

"I can't wait for all of my family to be united," I say and my heart flutters with nerves.

"Anyway, you were going to give me an explanation about why our powers are so insane," she urges. Fallon and I decided it would probably be best just to give the book to her and show her. However, with the time it took us to get through it all, now may not be the best time. Still, I take the book from my pocket.

"I can't tell you now," I tell her. Shae's face drops. "It's all in here," I explain. "It doesn't work like a normal book. Fallon and I were practically absorbed into it. We were out for four days. I think it is best you get everything from here and see and experience it for yourself rather than have me badly try and explain it all to you. I don't understand myself," I sigh. Shae nods her head.

"Okay," she whispers. "I can wait a few days."

I hand her the book. "Keep it hidden," I tell her. "If everything goes well, we will go through it together. If it doesn't, well, keep it safe and read it when you can."

Shae nods her head and stands, taking the book with her. A small hole opens up in the cave wall. She puts the book inside it and the wall closes back up again.

"There," she says, "I don't think it will be found here," she chuckles.

"No," I agree. She laughs and walks over to me. She slumps down into my lap and I hold her tightly. We both go quiet and I sit, stroking her hair gently. I close my eyes, taking everything in. Shae is here. My little sister is safe and in my arms. I can't help but smile again.

For the next few hours, we stay together just cuddling and drifting in and out of sleep. It is the most peace I've felt for ages. So, when we head out to have a meeting with the main leaders of the Knights and my Lupine, I feel ready and refreshed. We all stand in Ren's office. Shae talks excitedly to a girl called Evie. They giggle and chatter and I smile as I watch them. Seeing Shae have a normal friendship with a normal person fills me with warm joy.

"So," Ren says, "how are we going to get you into the palace?" he asks, leaning on his desk.

"I can make a tunnel right up into one of the passages," Shae states. "Illyana knows the passage well."

"It is the one that comes from the tapestry?" I ask. She nods her head.

"Yeah, that would work. We would come up from the passage inside the castle walls so we wouldn't even be spotted around the castle."

Ren nods his head. "And what about inside the castle?" he asks.

"As soon as the bells ring out signalling the arrival of Illyana's army, everyone will be gathering in the throne room," Shae states. "That would include most of the guards. There'll be a huge rush with everyone trying to get to safety. If you could mix in with that, there will be too many people for anyone to really pay attention to who you really are."

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