Chapter Thirty-Five: Fallon

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Fallon ties up her hair into a tight ponytail before lining her eyes with black liner. Making the cold, icy blue colour even more unnerving. Already in her uniform, she attaches all her weapons before walking outside. Waiting for her is Cassius and a group of ten other Fae.

"Good evening," he grins.

"Are these your best?" she asks.

"Yep," he replies. She nods her head and two sirens, Lilah and Edric approach. They wear their uniform and masks. The Fae, however, don't wear their armour. Instead, they wear a uniform similar to that of Fallon and her Red Guard team. Dark coats with hoods over thin, black metal breastplates. Even Fallon has ditched her red cloak for one of the hooded black coats. She still wears the rest of her black ensemble though.

"You think you can get this camp sorted in time?" she asks the two.

"Yes, Captain," Adam replies. Over the last week, they'd been working hard. Pouring over maps of the mountains and mines, planning how they were going to strike the mine. Now, they are getting ready. Fallon's heart flutters with nerves, but she is confident it will work.

"Okay," she says. "We'll be off then," she smiles.

"Good luck," Fox says and pats her shoulder.

"You too. Just make sure that road is clear by the time we're ready," she explains.

"Don't worry about that." She nods her head and climbs up onto her horse. The Fae and the two sirens get on theirs.

"See you soon," Fallon says, looking down at the others. They nod their heads and the group take off. Some of the centaurs come too so they can take the horses back once they get to the narrow road.

There are two ways to get to the Mine. One is a long wide, working road through the mountains. The road used to transport the products and the centaurs. It is heavily guarded. The second is a winding, narrow and steep path. Not suitable for centaurs and hardly even humans. That is the way Fallon and her small team will be going. It will take a little longer than the main track, so whilst they travel, the others get the rest of the army ready to march up the main track. They should be able to go past without difficulty. Fallon's plan is for their small team to capture the mine and get the centaurs ready to move. Then, trigger the smoke and cannon to alert the road guards the mine is under attack. Then, Fallon's army will swoop in. The guards, thinking they've come to aid them, won't think it suspicious.

It sounds simple on paper.

"I'm excited," Cassius says as he catches up to Fallon.

"Of course you are," she replies rolling her eyes. Fallon looks at the other Fae racing with her and then at the Sirens. For the two weeks they'd been in the camp, the Waterfolk have been spreading their enchantments across the camp. Fallon is confident in their abilities and the Fae no longer show signs of disobedience or hatred towards Fallon. They just do as they're told.

It takes just over an hour to get to the beginning of the narrow path. Fallon slides off her horse and hands the reigns over to the Centaurs. The rest of her small team do the same.

"Best of luck, Captain," they say.

"You too," Fallon replies with a nod of her head. They turn and soon are racing away again. Fallon looks at the path that leads up between the mountains. She can see it crawling up the sides, steep and narrow. 

"This is going to be fun," Cassius says next to her. It is closing into night, the sky darkening though the moon is bright. With help from the Lupine senses, Fallon's eyes easily adjust to such an extent she could mistake it for being day. She knows that both the Fae and Sirens have better eyesight than humans and though not to the extent she does, they'll be able to see well enough.

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