Chapter Fifty-Six: Fallon

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Fallon and her group of Fae and Waterfolk travel quickly up the East coast toward the City of Tolro. As their minds linger on the events at the mine, the atmosphere is quiet and solemn. Even Cassius is quiet. As they enter the city on their fifth day of travel, all of them are tired and in serious need of a proper bed and baths.

"What are we exactly looking for?" Cassius asks Fallon. "We've got money, let's just find an inn and stay there," he grumbles.

"Oh yes," Fallon begins, "the Red Guard and the Fae staying at a random inn in Tolro wouldn't draw attention at all," she replies sarcastically. He rolls his eyes. "This city is already on high alert," she sighs, "there were lots of riots here a few months back. Though it has calmed down now, it would hardly take much to disturb what little peace they have found again."

"So what exactly is your plan then?" Cassius asks.

"I have some friends here," Fallon replies. With that, they fall back into silence and continue walking further into the city. Fallon is glad they decided to come during the night. It means fewer people can see them, especially with their dark robes. They had also left the horses by the edge of the city and are now on foot. It is easier to blend into the shadows that way. Cassius is about to open his mouth again, but Fallon holds up her hand and he goes quiet. Her eyes narrow and they come to a stop. She looks around at the rooves. Though it is dark, her Lupine enhanced vision allows her to see almost as though it were day. She can also pick up on even the quietest of sounds. Sounds the soft footfalls as people run across the rooves. Then, she sees a shadow, darting over one rooftop and onto another, dashing away quickly. After a few more moments of silence, Fallon hears multiple footfalls that would usually be silent to the normal ear. She straightens and watches as robe clad people drop around them from the rooves and rushing from the shadows of the allies. 

"Hands up," someone says, their voice calm. Though he doesn't move, Fallon knows Cassius is thinking of going for his weapon.

"No," Fallon orders, "do as they say," she instructs.

"Smart choice," a voice replies. 

"What is a group of Fae scum doing here?" another voice snarls.

"They are with me," Fallon says, stepping forward.

"Who are you?" Someone replies.

"Princess Fallon," she replies. That has the group backing off. "Now stop waisting time and take me to Stefan and Merissa," she states, talking about actual Red Guard members, the ones who had sworn alligence to Illyana.

"How do we know?" that same voice asks. The Waterfolk all remove their hoods and masks.

"Do you really think we'd be hanging around with Fae if they weren't on our side?" Lilah asks, her eyes flashing. The Knights look around nervously before the leader of the party sighs.

"Fine, we'll take you," they decide. "But you'll be blindfolded until your identities and motives can be confirmed." The Fae go to argue but Fallon holds up her hand.

"We accept," she states. One by one, dark material is wrapped around their eyes. Their arms are grabbed on each sides and they are stripped of their weapons. The Knights start walking through the streets. Fallon knows they are going all sorts of strange ways and making lots of different turns in order to disorientate them. It takes about half an hour before they are in a small building.

"Take one step forward and prepare to land in water, we will pull you out," they are instructed.

"We'll go first," Lilah says and Fallon can hear as they take their steps and land in the water below. When it is Fallon's turn, she doesn't hesitate. She falls for a few moments, her stomach lurching. It is a slight shock as cold water slaps her and wraps around her body. Before she even has time to think about panic, someone is grabbing the back of her clothes and pulling her up onto a boat.

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