Chapter Seventy-Two: Illyana

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My heart races as we approach the Queen's Camp. We come to the stop atop a high cliff and my breath is almost taken away.

"Holy shit," I say.

"It's grown since even I was here," Fallon says. I can only nod. All around the large lake are hundreds upon hundreds of tents. Many trees have been cut down and the camp extended far into the forest. The wood has been used in large campfires throughout the site to build fences for horses or training rings and other structures. All around, centaurs, waterfolk and humans work and train; the sound of crashing swords echoes through the air. In the centre, a large red tent has been erected. What I can't get over is the size of it all. The whole camp is absolutely huge.

I let out a breath and shake my head.

"This is..." I can't even finish my sentence.

"I know," Fallon chuckles. "But are we going to stand here all day or are we actually going down there?" she asks. I laugh.

"I suppose we had best let our presence be known," I say.

Our approach is spotted early on by the scouts and it isn't long before centaurs and humans alike are rushing from the camp to greet us. At first, they are hostile, but as soon as my eyes and mark are spotted, everyone knows it is me. They stare at the wolves with wide eyes and their mouths hanging open. Then, they quickly turn to smiles as they realise that I have the Lupine on my side. Though there are still weary looks toward Stesha, Hali, Una and Kovan. I glance over to Una and though she sits proudly, I can see her shift nervously.

"Make way!" a voice shouts. I grin and slide from Razan's back as Harlen approaches, shoving his way through the crowd. He rushes toward me and before I can process what is going on, he scoops me up in his arms and hugs me tight. I let out a laugh and he puts me down again.

"Finally," he says then looks at the Lupine. They are tense as if they are ready to attack.

"It's fine," I tell them, using the Lupine language. "He's a long time friend, like Wyatt," I state. Una laughs and leans back.

"If he's anything like Wyatt then I think we have reason to be cautious," she tells me. Kovan laughs too. Stesha doesn't laugh. His jaw is clenched and his eyes are narrowed. He stares at Harlen.

"Please do not touch our Lunavar," he says, speaking common tongue with a thick accent. Hali slaps him and rolls her eyes.

"Lunavar?" Harlen asks. I nod my head.  "Holy shit," he chuckles.

"I'm sorry about their overprotectiveness," I smile.

"I understand," he states and smiles back up at Stesha. Stesha just narrows his eyes again.

"So, marriage or challenge?" Harlen asks. Kovan laughs, being able to speak the best common tongue out of them, he understands most of what is being said.

"As if Ana could kill our Solavar," he says. "Too busy trying to get into his-" he is cut off by Fallon dragging him off his wolf. Kovan lets out a little shout as he lands heavily on the floor. I just sigh.

"Marriage," I reply.

"Well congrats, Lunavar," he grins.

"Thank you," I reply and we start moving into the crowds. "This is amazing," I say with a sigh.

"It has taken a lot of hard work," he tells me.

"Well, that is why I entrusted you to command this place," I tell him. "Could you imagine if we left this in Wyatt's hands?" I ask. Harlen laughs.

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