Chapter Ten: Shaelyn

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"You aren't going out, Shae," Ren sighs, running a hand through his hair. Shae lets out an annoyed huff and sits back down, her hands clenching into fists with frustration.

"No one is going out. We're on lockdown," he reminds her and she looks at him. Dark bags sit under his eyes and his hair is scruffy. All of them are. Dust and mud cover their skin. Wounds and bruises are still healing. Shae lets out a long sigh and rests her head on the table. Like everyone else, she is getting restless. Ren gets back to looking at the paperwork piled up on his desk and the two fall into silence. All but Shae's fingernails impatiently tapping at the surface. Ren closes his eyes and leans back.

"Will you please stop that?" he growls. She sits up and crosses her arms, looking at him with a raised brow.

"Why, Ren Yuan?" she asks, using his full name. He purses his lips and throws down his paperwork before crossing his arms and staring back at her.

"How much longer, it's been two weeks," Shae sighs and closes her eyes, trying not to think about that day. A lump forms in her throat and her hands form into fists as she bites back the tears. Ren softens and smiles gently.

"At least two more weeks, Shae. Your Grandfather's soldiers are still searching for us. We need to wait for everything to calm down before we start leaving and working again..." She nods her head in understanding and looks at his warm brown eyes.

"I need to do something, Ren," she tells him, her voice soft and vulnerable. He stands and walks around the desk. He sits on the edge of it next to her and looks into her golden-brown eyes.

"We're all pent up in here Shae. I know you want to act now. We all do. But we have to wait for the right time. Better to wait than to act early and get caught."  He stands and gently puts a hand on her shoulder. She gulps and looks up at him.

"I don't want you back in your grandfather's care," he spits the word, "again." She shudders and pulls her arms tightly around herself. His hand gently moves to where her hair covers her scars. Moving it out of the way so he gently grazes the spot where her ear should be.

"I want to protect you, Shae," he tells her. She reaches up and puts her own hand over his.

"I am grateful," she tells him as he removes his hand from the side of her face. She doesn't remove her hand from his as she stands. "So grateful," she gulps and her lips quivers. "It hurts, Ren," she whispers as a small sob shudders through her body. Ren pulls her into him and hugs her tightly. She cries silently into his chest, her arms wrapped tightly around him.

Ren doesn't say anything. He just holds her as she cries. A lump in his throat as he thinks of the loss of Rayana. A princess, despite his grouchy attitude, he had actually become fond of. In fact, he even liked Fallon.

"We'll get them, Shae," he tells her as she looks up at him. She nods her head and takes a small step back. "Fallon is out there. She'll find Your sister and together..."

"They'll be unstoppable," Shae chuckles, a small smile on her face.

"I haven't met Princess Illyana," he says. "Why don't you tell me about her?" Shae nods and sits down again. Ren lets go of her and goes back to leaning on the side of his desk in front of her.

"Illyana," Shae begins with a smile, "Is strong and loyal," Shae says, closing her eyes. "She took her role of protective big sister very seriously," Shae laughs and Ren smiles. "When Illana and Fallon were together, they were pretty intolerable at times. If anyone even looked at us the wrong way..." she shakes her head. "Fallon and Illyana were scary enough on their own. But, put them together and put one of us in danger..." she shakes her head and smiles, another tear falling down her cheek. "Once, Wyatt played a little too rough with Ray. He used to tease her a lot, which she obviously didn't mind. One day, when he was training us, he picked on Ray and accidentally knocked her to the ground where she hit her head. Illyana and Fallon were on him in an instant. Leaving me picking up Rayana."

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