Chapter Forty-Five: Illyana

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I am woken first thing and I groan, rubbing at my head as my shutters are opened and light bursts into my room. Nishka sits up straight, narrowing her eyes at the people invading my room. Razan just lays on me heavier, not allowing me to move.

"Princess," a voice says. It is Riva. I haven't had to have lessons with her for a few months, but it would appear that there is more that I need to learn before the mating ceremony. I groan in response again and try and push my wolf off me.

"Razan," I say. He opens a single eye and looks at me cheekily before closing it again and snuggling his head on my chest. A long sigh leaves my mouth and Nishka jumps up from the bed. Stretching.

"These are the seamstresses," Riva continues. "They are here to take your measurements so they can get to work on making your dress.

"Okay," I say. "Razan, I need to get up," I hiss at him. Riva laughs as my wolf yawns dramatically and rolls onto his side, his huge head still completely covering my chest and stomach and now his front leg resting over mine. A long sigh leaves my mouth and I try to push his head off me. My beast of a wolf does not even budge.

"Razan," I hiss and some of the seamstresses start chuckling. Nishka moves closer to the bed and lets out a bark. Razan jumps up straight away with a whimper before jumping off the bed and shaking his body before stretching with a yawn.

"Thank you," I say to Nishka with a laugh. She nudges my face and then gives me a small lick. Then, a cruel smile lights up my face and I look at my pup.

"Kai was all alone last night," I begin, "why don't you go an keep him company," I say. Razan's tongue hangs out and I laugh. He nudges my body with his head and I laugh, stroking his fur and then giving his nose a little peck. He barks and nudges my face gently. My eyes shut and I let out a happy sigh, resting my face against him as he nudges me. His fur soft against my face and my chest full of warmth and love as he closes his eyes as well.

"I love you, you pain in the arse pup," I laugh. He lets out a huff and nudges me again before nipping at my hair. I push him away. "Go on," I say, "go and find Kai to release all this pent up annoying energy on," I say. He barks, licks my face and then turns trotting out of the room. Nishka following after. Riva chuckles again.

"That is a sweet relationship you have with your Razan," she says, her smile gentle. I laugh.

"I love him to pieces," I tell her with a sigh. "Even if he is a pain," I laugh. Though I complain about his playfulness, I wouldn't change him for the world.

"I have always thought, that even though these lands are harsh and sometimes cruel, it is all worth it to share these bonds with the wolves," she explains. I nod my head.

"They are harsh," I say, thinking of the burning deserts or the ground shaking thunderstorms. "But there is a unique beauty to this place," I sigh, thinking about the endless burning orange stone and the spectacular mountains and canyons. "In all honesty, I feel more at home here than I did in the Capital," I sigh. She nods her head.

"I wouldn't live anywhere else," she sighs. I nod my head. Then, the seamstresses get to work. Measuring my body, taking notes. I try and ask questions on what the dress will look like, but Riva refuses to give me any answers. I sigh. When they are done, they leave. Riva stays behind and we spend the next hour going over how the ceremony works and the traditions we will have to complete.

"Don't worry," she chuckles, seeing my expression as she tells me one of them. "I will spend many hours teaching you the song and how to sing it perfectly." I gulp.

"I play the piano, I don't sing..." I grumble.

"You play the piano?" she asks. I nod my head.

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