Chapter Seventeen: Fallon

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Fallon wakes and sits up quickly.

"Holy shit," she says, her eyes widening.

"I know," Fox chuckles and pats her shoulder. Fallon had been travelling for three days with the group. They had a cart with them that was full of food supplies which she had been able to sleep in. She hadn't been able to sleep properly since she left the castle so she had been out of it for most of the journey. Especially after the strain that had been put on her body. 

All around her are centaurs, mer and sirens. She stands in the cart and looks out. They are by the side of a large sparkling lake, nestled around the mountains. The banks are full of large tents and fire pits. Trees have been cut down for wood to be burned or used to build various defensive structures, but not too many as to make the landscape bare.

"Where are we?" Fallon asks, hopping down off the cart.

"Tarlon," a voice says from behind her. She turns, her eyes widening again and a large smile on her face.

"Harlen!" she says and jumps over to him, giving him a hug. He laughs and squeezes her tight.

"It's good to see you, princess," he says. She steps back and shakes her head.

"What is this place?" she asks. Fox grins.

"This is base camp," he replies.

"There are so many," Fallon says, feeling tears in her eyes. Harlon nods his head.

"Yep. We're waiting for Princess Illyana to return with a Lupine force," he says. "Then we'll make plans to march on the capital." Fallon can't stop smiling.

"How many centaurs, Mer and Sirens are there?" she asks.

"Well, we started with only a few hundred centaurs," Fox begins. "But Ana and the rest of the crew freed a few hundred at Flon Mine. Then, they freed even more at Ronzal Mine. They returned safely and have been healing and training to join the fight. Of course, with rumours of some of the mines being freed, some other herds came from the Westlands and have since joined..." he tells her.

"We have just over five-thousand now and the number is still growing," he tells her.

"Five thousand?" she asks her mouth dropping.

"Not much compared to the King's forces, but One centaur is worth five men..." he chuckles. "Especially after Harlen's training. That and with the Waterfolk..."

"How many?" Fallon asks.

"There were only about two hundred in the lake. We managed to free another hundred or so across the cites, but there aren't many water folk left," he sighs.

"Well, that will change when Illyana gets the throne," Fallon says. They begin to walk to the main camp area.

"I've been working with Adam," Fox begins as a huge centaur appears, bowing his head.

"Princess," he says, his accent thick. Fallon smiles. "We've been leading false trails across Vivelle about Illyana's whereabouts," he tells her.

"I heard," she replies.

"Is the King suspicious?" he asks. Fallon's face drops and she sits on one of the logs by the fire.

"My father isn't really in control any more," she sighs.

"Sebastian," Harlen sighs. Fallon nods her head.

"Fallon," Fox says softly, putting a hand on her shoulder. "We obviously heard the cannon and saw Ray's colours," his voice shakes slightly. "What happened?" Fallon closes her eyes as a tear falls down her cheek.

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