Chapter Eighty-Four: The Castle

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The throne room is silent. Illyana looks around the room slowly. Her skin is covered in blood. A large cut covers one side of her face, still bleeding. Eyes switch between her and the body of the king. Then, they fall on those at the front.

"Illyana," Cordelia whispers. Illyana's eyes snap over to her.

"Now!" Sebastian shouts. Nothing happens. Illyana smirks as Sir Jago appears in the crowd. He looks over at Sebastian and smirks. Sebastian's face drops.

"Was that an order to have assassins come up here and finish me off?" Illyana asks. Sir Jago bows before her, his head sinking low.

"Welcome back, my queen," he says. Sebastian's eyes widen and for once, he is speechless. 

"What?" Kristoff gulps. Sir Jago stands slowly and gestures into the crowd where his men are all disguised. They move slowly toward the council and Sebastian in particular. "You were working with her the whole time?" he asks, his voice shaking. Sir Jago nods his head and smirks.

"I have daughters," he says. "Did you really think I would stand by whilst you worked to strip all their rights away?" he asks. Sebastian glares at Illyana, his cold blue eyes piercing into hers. Beside him, Amalie and his wife move closer to him. There are tears in their eyes and their faces are pale. Kristoff nudges Cordelia. She puts her hand into her dress and wraps her hand around the hilt of the golden dagger.

Illyana turns to her.

"Cordelia," she says, her voice cold as it spreads across the room. "It's over."

"Kill her, she doesn't have the strength to kill you," Kristoff whispers harshly in Cordelia's ear. Cordelia pulls out the dagger, her hands shaking. Her eyes remain locked on Illyana's. It takes all of her strength not to crumble and fall to the floor.

"It's over," Illyana says again and then smiles warmly. "And I am so fucking proud of you. He's all yours but please leave some for the rest of us."

There is a second of silence. Kristoff and Sebastian turn to Cordelia, their eyes wide in shocked horror. She grins wickedly and before Kristoff can even begin to understand, the dagger is plunged into his stomach with all of Cordelia's strength. A shrill, delighted laugh leaves her mouth as she pulls the dagger out and buries it in his stomach again. This time she twists. Her whole body shakes as he stares at her with wide, horrified eyes, his mouth gaping open. Cordelia smiles with glee as she kicks out his legs and he falls to his knees. Sebastian moves toward her, but Jago's men grab him and the others in the council. He gives up straight away, falling to his knees and shaking his head. Cordelia lets out deep breaths of satisfaction as she walks in front of Kristoff, not taking her eyes off his. So long she had pictured this moment and now, his blood stains her hands. His hands clutch at his rapidly bleeding stomach. Tears fall down his cheeks.

Cordelia's smile is twisted and cruel as he whimpers.

"You love me. I love you," he says, "I... I..." he stutters.

"I love you," she mocks then laughs. "No one could ever love a monster like you," she growls. "Oh no, wait," she laughs. "One person could." She turns to Amalie and grins. "Come here."

Amalie, still compelled by Cordelia, walks over unable to stop herself. Her body is trembling. Tears stain her cheeks. Cordelia grabs her shoulders and forces her down onto her knees, facing Kristoff. "Stay," she orders. She pulls the dagger from Kristoff's stomach. He cries out and looks back up at Cordelia. She grins, spinning the blade in her hand.

"Such a special, family heirloom," she says, "given to the women the Drake's love." She sighs. "Well, why don't I gift it to your true love?" Cordelia asks innocently. Kristoff starts panting.

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