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It is time.

Rayana gazes over the lands of time with a soft smile on her face. She memorises the pink skies and the crystal clear lakes. She gazes lovingly at the pink blossom trees and the sparkling rivers that flow around the mountains. Closing her eyes, she listens to the gentle breeze and savours its soft, cool touch against her face. Taking a deep breath, she savours the floral scents.

"Are you ready?" Time asks behind her. Turning, she looks at him with a gentle smile.

"I am," she replies.

He moves toward her and presses a hand on her shoulder. She smiles and looks into his eyes.

"Thank you for looking after me for all of these years," she says to him. He smiles sadly and takes her hand.

"I think you looked after me more than I did you," he says. Rayana leans into him and he hugs her tightly. A long sigh leaves his mouth.

"I am glad you found peace here," he says. Rayana gulps and nods her head.

"It has been wonderful," she says dreamily.

Her father appears out of nowhere. Rayana chuckles, remembering the first times he did that all those years ago and it would scare her. His golden glow lights everything up around him.

"Rayana," he says softly.

"Father," she whispers. He embraces her softly and kisses the top of her head. They remain like that for a few moments.

"I wish it didn't have to be this way," he whispers.

"I know," she replies, feeling her eyes sting.

"I would love nothing more than to have all of my daughters united once more," he says and takes a step back.

"Time doesn't work that way," she smiles sadly. "But I am sure one day, I will be reunited with them."

"You will," Time says, but doesn't elaborate. 

"Are you really ready?" her father asks. She smiles warmly.

"I am. You have given me a long, happy life here," she says. "I have had peace and experienced love," she smiles brightly. "But it is time, I can feel it."

Her father nods and closes his eyes.

"Farewell," he says softly, "my dear daughter."

"Farewell, father," she replies and looks between him and time with a bright smile. "Thank you, for everything," she says softly. The two men smile and bow their heads to her.

Her lips pull into a tight line as she tries not to cry.

"Goodbye, my little time god," Time says to her with a fond smile.

"Goodbye," she says, her voice a whisper as the world around her starts to fade.

Tears spill down Rayana's cheeks as she stares at the disappearing figures around her. Her father reaches out his hand and she just about holds it one last time.

Water surrounds her. Bubbles of air escape her mouth as she looks around. Her heart slows and she calms down. Elegantly, she glides to the surface and takes a deep breath. She is in the pool beneath the castle. Rayana lets out a long breath and starts climbing up the stairs out of the pool. Her body is illuminated in a silvery glow. Her eyes are bright gold. There is a gasp off to her side. She turns slowly and watches as Niklaus falls over. Rayana stares at him coldly.

The True Queen- Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now