Chapter Sixty-Five: Rayana

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I watch as my father sneaks away during the night with Tristain. They visit the city together and drink in the inns or they go to the top of the roof of the castle and gaze up at the star-filled skies. They hold each other and kiss delicately. I have never seen my father so carefree, so happy. When he is with Tristain, his eyes are bright and his smile is wide and easy. His laugh is so genuine.

Today, I watch the ball that starts the Queen's Trial. It is the ball where the current King will select the King Chosen. Seeing it has my stomach churning as I remember that night. The night where our father chose Kristoff. My balled hands start to shake.

Still, the room, I'll admit is beautiful. A sea of colour from the most beautiful dresses and spectacular decorations hang from the walls and ceilings. The food table has my stomach grumbling. My mother and father dance. Both have smiles on their faces as they joke and laugh together. When the music stops, they move to the side of the room.

"I've never seen you happier," my mother states. My father blushes slightly.

"I can say the same to you," he replies, "this lover of yours must be really something."  My mother lets out a long sigh, her gaze going distant.

"Yeah, he really is," she sighs and then she turns to him. "But we aren't talking about me. You and Tristain," she giggles. My father rolls his eyes.

"Now is not the place for a discussion about that," he replies. She laughs.

"Well, I assure you," she begins, "when you become the King and if I win the trial, then you'll be allowed to continue to see him. I promise."

He doesn't reply, but he does smile a wide smile and kisses her forehead.

"That assumes I'll get chosen," he finally says.

"We'll find out very soon," she replies as the hall goes quiet and the king stands. He makes a long speech about his decision before, as everyone predicted, my father is chosen. He smiles charmingly as everyone comes over to congratulate him. I don't miss the way his smile falters as Sebastian Baylon appears.

"Well done son," he states, not even smiling.

"Thank you, father," he replies, his voice going slightly colder and his posture straightening.

"All my hard work paid off," Sebastian says and even I roll my eyes.

"You're hard work, father?" My father replies with a smirk. "I did this my way, not yours and that is why I am here. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must go and talk to the king."

My father barges past his father and walks over to the King. The two chat and smile and the evening continues merrily. It makes me feel sick though. No one pays any attention to the pale faces of the Princesses who stand at the side of the room, holding each other's hands and hugging each other gently. It is all about the new king.

I am drawn into another vision.

"You shouldn't have talked to me like that," Sebastian is saying to my father as they walk down the corridor late at night. I believe it is the following night from the ball and the first trial will be starting in the morning.

"I'm going to be the king soon, I can talk to you how I like," my father jokes. "And what was so important that I had to be dragged out of bed at this time?" he sighs, rubbing his eyes.

"Well, despite your attitude, I have a little surprise," he grins as they enter the abandoned part of the castle. My father frowns as they stop at a door. Sebastian opens it.

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