Chapter Forty-Six: Illyana

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The rest of the week continues without any problems. My days are so busy. I have to learn and rehearse for the wedding, help the city prepare for the influx of Lupine coming from across the lands to celebrate. Kai and I don't even get to spend that much time together, we are both rushed off our feet. I walk into the throne room. I hadn't been in here much, it isn't often used. It will be though... Still, it takes my breath away every time I come in here. It is a huge hall. Wooden beams arch up and support the stone that makes up the roof high above. A couple of large chandeliers made from what looks like the antlers of dear hang from great chains down the centre of the ceiling. The walls are high and are made out of yet more of that sandy stone which has been cut into neat pristine cubes. Large windows sit an equal distance apart. There is no glass. Instead, there are thick wooden shutters that open outward and though I can't see the shutters themselves, I can see the massive hinges in the stone of the window.

Along this great hall are huge pillars. Tall and again, very square and sharp, the cuboid pillars rise all the way from the ground to the ceiling. They sit equidistant apart and almost make an aisle down the centre of the room. There are no decorations on them. Not like the spectacular intricate carvings on the rounded pillars back at our castle. Just torches which are held in more antler style holders. Going down the centre of the long hall is a slightly raised platform of what looks like dark wood. The rest of the flooring is spectacular. Again, it is made out of smooth sandy slabs. Only this time, they have a shine to them. They are as smooth as marble and whatever they coated the stone with has made the colours and markings of the rock stand out more. The patterns and shades of browns, oranges and reds that make up the stone reminds me of fire.

I follow the line of the dark brown wooden aisle. It leads to a small stage of sorts that makes up the end of the hall. From that stage, steps lead to a slightly risen area. On top of that area, is a simple throne. Made out of the same glossy stone as the floor. It looks like marble and is so smooth I imagine that this chair was carved directly into a large boulder. Cut so perfectly and smoothly. It is beautiful. When I first arrived, there was just one throne. Now, another is being moved into position next to Kai's. My heart races in my chest just looking at it. Kai is sitting on his throne, talking to all the Alphas and the Starva. He stops and smiles, seeing me.

"Ana," he beams, standing up.

"Sorry to interrupt," I say, seeing all eyes look at me. They are having a meeting about the armies being brought from across the Lupine lands. I would join, but I've been having to talk to all the warriors already here about other issues concerning how we are going to make our way from here to my camp in Tarlon.

"What can we help you with?" Kai asks as I move over to him. He stands as I approach.

"Did Nishka go off with Razan this morning?" I ask. "I haven't seen him since he left my room," I explain.

"Nishka did leave early," he explains, "I've not seen her all day," he tells me. I nod my head biting at my lip. A strange feeling has my stomach clenching.

"Okay, if you see him, can you send for me?" I ask.

"Is everything okay?" he asks. I frown.

"I have a strange feeling," I reply, my stomach twisting again. "It's probably just nerves or paranoia. I'm sure he and Nishka are just racing across the deserts."

"We'll keep an eye out," he says.

"Thank you," I reply. "I'm going to be with Una if you need me. We are going to the city."

"Okay," he replies, a frown on his own face. I turn and make my way back out of the throne room. My stomach still twists into knots and I feel bile rise in my throat. Something is wrong. I can feel it. It takes five minutes to find Una. On my way to finding Una, I see Nishka. Without my pup with her. My throat dries and my hands start to go clammy and shake.

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