Chapter Sixty-Three: Fallon

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The two sisters hold each other tightly, shaking in each other's arms. Finally, they stand and step away, wiping tears from their bloodshot eyes. Fallon takes a step back from Illyana, her eyes wide.

"Holy shit," she says. Illyana looks so different. Her skin is slightly more tanned from her time in the sun. Her figure is much more defined, her arms and shoulders thick with strong muscle. She can even see it on the exposed parts of Illyana's thighs that are visible around her clothes. The clothes are new too. The mix of leather and metal makes Illyana look more Lupine than the princess of Vivelle.

She also sees the array of marks weaving up Illyana's arm of the different vows she has made. On Illyana's shoulders, three white lines. Scars from what look like claw marks. Her black hair is also longer and tied into a spectacular Lupine braid, a simple little headband woven into it and crossing her forehead.

"You look..." Fallon trails off and shakes her head, not knowing what to say. Illyana smiles.

"Like a Lupine?" she suggests. Fallon nods her head.

"Well, I am their Lunavar," Ilyanna replies. Fallon grins and then lightly punches Illyana in the upper arm.

"You bitch, you got hitched without me," Fallon scolds. Illyana laughs and moves slightly so Fallon can get a look at Kai. He is different from the last time she saw him too. He is bigger, stronger looking. He's had a haircut too. Gone are the shoulder-length locks. This time, the sides are shaved pretty much bald. The centre of his hair is pulled back into a messy ponytail, lined with tiny braids on each side to separate the shaved part from the hair. Fallon has to admit, it looks good on him.

"Nice makeover," she says to him with a smile as he walks toward her slowly.

"Thank you," he replies, his accent just as thick as she remembers. She smiles as he embraces her.

"I guess you're my brother in law now," Fallon chuckles. Kai laughs deeply and moves away.

"It is an honour," he replies. "And it is great to see you again, Princess. I am very sorry about Princess Rayana."

At that, Fallon's smile drops and her lips quiver. She gulps and clenches her shaking hands.

"Thank you," she whispers.

"What happened?" Illyana asks, her own voice a hoars whisper.

"She died in my arms," Fallon says, her voice wobbling. "Kristoff slit her throat." Fallon's jaw grits and a new wave of tears spill down Illyana's cheeks. Fallon looks into her sister's eyes.

"Now is not the time to cry over it," she says sternly. "We need to get back to the capital and kill him."

Illyana smiles and there is a strange cruelness to it that Fallon had never seen in her sister before.

"You're right," Illyana says, her voice going cold. They are interrupted by an excited shout at the end of the corridor. They all turn and laugh as they see Wyatt running toward them. He practically knocks Fallon over as he lunges into her, jumping. Fallon laughs and hugs him back. He kisses her cheeks and forehead over and over again until she pushes him off her.

"Gross," she jokes.

"Bitch," Wyatt laughs as he looks at her. "It is bloody good to see you," he grins. Fallon lets out a sigh.

"It is good to see you too, glad you're still with us," Fallon beams, looking at his familiar features. Her body seems to relax a little with relief at seeing him again and knowing that Illyana had had him by her side all this time. "Thanks for looking out for her," Illyana jokes.

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