Chapter Twenty: Rayana

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Niklaus stands in front of Rayana, a smug grin on his face.

"No leaving the castle," he tells her. She smirks.

"I will not leave the castle," she tells him.

"Just to be sure, I'll have my spies on the exits. All of them," he tells her. She laughs.

"I don't need to leave the castle to win this bet," she replies and pats him on the shoulder.

"Really, you two?" Orianna asks with a shake of her head. Niklaus laughs and Ray looks at her friend. Orianna turns to Niklaus.

"Remember, I want no one disturbing me for a week. I need to connect with my visions again," Orianna says. 

"Yes, Ori, I know," Niklaus sighs. Orianna nods her head. He looks back at Rayana. "I am leaving now. I'll give you ten minutes to hide," he tells her. "Then I'm letting all my spies lose..."

"Of you go then," Ray grins and shoes him away. He shakes his head and laughs, walking away. Ray and Orianna enter her room, Orianna locking the door after her.

"I can't believe you made that bet with my brother," Orianna says. Rayana laughs.

"I know I can win it," she shrugs. 

"It's all some silly game of hide and seek," Orianna shakes her head. Ray smiles.

"They'll know I came in here with you," Rayana says. "They'll come and check on room to make sure I'm not hiding in here with you for the week," she continues.

"Well, just pop to tonight. Hopefully, they will have searched my room by then and then I'll be left undisturbed for a week."

"Yes, boss," Ray says with a roll of her eyes before disappearing in front of Orianna. Though it is only a few seconds for Ray, it is all day for Orianna when Ray appears in her room later that night.

"Finally," Orianna says, sitting up from her bed.

"Did they search?" Ray asks, keeping her voice hushed in case they're listening nearby.

"Thoroughly. They couldn't understand how you were able to leave the room without being spotted. They were searching for secret passages and everything." Rayana laughs.

"They left after an hour and Niklaus was not happy," she chuckles. "I gave him an order not to disturb me again, so no one should notice my disappearance for a week now," she says. Ray takes a deep breath and walks over to Orianna, taking her hand.

"Do you really think you'll be able to take me with you?" Orianna asks.

"Well, I guess it is time to find out," Ray replies with a shrug. The two look at each other and Ray gulps nervously before closing her eyes. Their hands tighten as Ray uses her power.

It is a strange feeling, travelling through time. Even though it lasts only a few seconds, a few seconds of darkness, her body has always felt heavy. Like trying to walk in the water. There is resistance. With Orianna coming with her, the weight is even heavier. Still, when the pressure stops, the two open their eyes.

"Did we do it?" Orianna asks, breathless. Sweat pours of Ray's skin as she lets go of Orianna's hand.

"Yes," Ray gulps. "We are a week into your future," says between breaths.

"How do you know?" Orianna asks, her eyes wide with awe. Rayana shrugs.

"I can just tell now. I know where I land. It's strange..." she shrugs. 

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