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At the end of the corridor stands Rayana's grandfather, Amalie and Kristoff. Her eyes fall on the dagger held in Kristoff's hand. The guards all seem to disappear at the same time, leaving her standing alone in silence. Her breathing is loud in her ears as she looks between the three very smug faces.

"You had one job," her grandfather says, his voice calm. She looks at Amalie and licks her lips nervously.

"Not so brave now, are you?" she asks. "You seriously thought you could threaten me with my daughter? Kristoff already knows about her you stupid cow. Some gift you have," she laughs. Ray manages to smile through her fear.

"You won't be seeing her again. That, I can promise you."

"You will be silent," Sebastian says, his voice coldly calm.

"Haven't you already tried that?" she asks.

"Yes, and I failed. So now it's time for a more permanent option," he grins and Ray takes a deep breath. Fear-fueled adrenaline pumps into her veins, making her feel like she's about to throw up. Kristoff grins and it's twisted and cruel. It has her eyes stinging with fresh tears.

"Shit," she mutters.

"This is the part where you run," Kristoff grins. "I do love a good chase," he laughs. She turns on her heels and takes off down the corridors, the sounds of Kristoff's heavy footfalls behind her. She pants desperately as she tries to outrun him. Fear pulses through her as her mind begins to panic. This is it. This is the night. She had known it from the second she decided to take a step forward. She had chosen not to believe it. Kristoff taunts ring behind her.

"For so long, we thought that the King would bend to our will if we only threatened your lives," he laughs as Ray rattles on the locked doors of the corridors. "But perhaps, a dead daughter will break him enough for us to have complete control," he laughs. Ray lets out a scream of frustration as another door doesn't open. She looks back, seeing him round the corner. Her breathing is quick and frantic. Wide are her eyes as her sweat beads down her forehead. Tears fall down her cheeks as she gives up on the doors and runs around another corner, Kristoff picking up his pace behind her. His feet heavily pounding on the ground a taunt in her ears. Sobs leave her mouth and she stumbles before falling to the floor. Quickly, she stands. But it is too late. Kristoff is only moments away from rounding the corner and being upon her.

She realises there is nowhere to run. Her panting is so loud in her ears that his heavy footfalls sound distant. Her whole body is shaking as she panics and closes her eyes. She faces the direction he is coming from, looking at the empty corner where any second he will appear. Rayana gulps, hearing screaming behind her. Fallon. If she could just get to Fallon. No. Kristoff would then get to Fallon too. If she stands still and faces him head-on, it might give Fallon enough time to get out. Except, she doesn't want to die. Another sob leaves her mouth and she closes her eyes, trying to control her breathing. A ringing surrounds her as she focuses, trying to tune out the sound of Kristoff coming. He must only be a second away.

"Come on," she sobs and suddenly her breath is ripped from her. She lands on the ground with a heavy thump. Thinking Kristoff is upon her, she lets out a scream.

"Rayana!" she recognises Orianna's voice. Rayana opens her eyes and jumps into Orianna's arms.

"What?" Orianna stutters as she takes in Rayana's ragged and blood appearance. "What's going on in your time?" she asks, her voice shaking with shock. Rayana looks at her with tear-filled eyes and stains on her muddy face.

"I am going to die," she whispers, then looks at Orianna with wide-eyed fear. The next words come out breathless. "I think I'm going to stay in your time for a while."

The True Queen- Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now