Chapter Sixty-Four: Illyana

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My mind goes blank for a few seconds. Nianzu, a prisoner, is being transported back to the Lost Wood by Lord Drake himself.

"It's a trap. You know it's a trap," Fallon says, drawing me back into the present situation. I nod my head slowly.

"We're going to get him," I state.

"Ana," Fallon sighs. I turn to look at her.

"You really think the Red Guard and Lord Drake is a match even if it were just me and Razan?" I ask. "Now imagine you, me, Una, Karn, Hali," I stop listing, seeing Fallon gets the point.

"We can't move a whole army down that quick," she states.

"No," I reply in agreement. "You, me and a few others who have wolves we can ride will go," I state. "With our wolves, we can get across the desert very quickly. Kai and Aaliyah can lead the rest of the army and meet us in Tarlon. Zoran and Wyatt will stay with them to guide them to the camp there. We will arrive early, after rescuing Nianzu and make sure everyone there is ready for the arrival for a few thousand Lupine." The plan forms as I say it and I turn to Kai. He gives a head nod, agreeing to it. Fallon looks back at the wolf. I still can't get over its size. With its fur as black as the night, it stands taller than Razan and Nishka. Apparently, this wolf isn't even the biggest one. Matao was right after all.

"Luna said I can take Arzuh and two other wolves from the pack down South with me," she begins. "She will stay here."

Kai frowns.

"Is The Alpha the wolf you are bonded to?" he asks. Fallon nods her head.

"And in turn, I am sort of bonded to the rest of the pack too, but the connection isn't as strong. Arzuh is talking to me now, but only because Luna is allowing it."

"My only concern is if you are injured thousands of miles away from your bonded wolf, she can't do anything to help you. Kintara wolves act very aggressively when their Lupine is in danger. They go mad when their Lupine dies and we are heading to war. It doesn't bear thinking about, Princess, but if you were to be killed, what would stop this huge wolf from going mad and killing every Lupine here?"

I bite at my lip, realising that he is right. Fallon scoffs.

"I am very hard to kill," she tells him. "Especially now I will have three of these wolves by my side." She pauses for a second and looks at Arzuh. They are still for a few moments and then she nods her head. "Luna says that our bond isn't identical to that of a regular Lupine and Kintara wolf bond," she begins, "if I die, then she will be sad, but it will not send her bat shit crazy."

"Interesting," Mateo hums. "I would love to see the Alpha," he grins excitedly. "I have only ever heard stories."

"She prefers to stay out of sight," Fallon says. Mateo lets out a disappointed sigh.

"Well then, now that is sorted," I say and look back at Kai, "we leave immediately," I gulp. He smiles reassuringly at me. I look around the room.
"Una, Kovan, Hali, Stesha you're coming with me and Fallon. Get together your bags. You know what to pack."

"Yes, Lunavar," they all say at the same time and rush out of the room. "Una," I say, she pauses, "can you get my bag too please." She nods her head and runs off. I look back at the others.

"We will leave in two days or so," Kai says. "It will take a little bit of time for all our forces to get not only across the desert but halfway across Vivelle. Most don't have wolves that can be ridden and will be on foot or horseback. We can move quicker than normal forces, but it will still take time."

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