Chapter Twenty-Two: Illyana

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We travel through the deserts at a fast pace over the next two days. The wolves don't tire and their speed is immense. Even carrying two people, Razan's feet barely touch the ground as he runs. Zoran has gotten used to riding on top of a wolf now. He's almost a natural. Though he doesn't always ride with me. He also rides with Karn, just so Razan can have a break. Nyxa, Karns wolf, was too small to be ridden when we first met. Since the time Karn escorted me into the Lupine city, however, Nyxa has grown to the size of Raxan and Nishka.

We come to a stop for the night and set up camp. We are at one of the many flat-topped mountains, huddled in a large cave. The Lupine know all the paths to take to ensure we have some sort of natural cover during our journey. It wouldn't be as important in the summer months, but now as it is getting cooler and there are more chances of storms, we want to stay somewhere we will be kept dry. A fire is set up in the middle. Luckily, there is tons of dryweed around. The plant flourishes all year and is as good for burning as it is eating.

A desert deer has been caught and now is roasting above the flames. Zoran and I sit against one of the far walls. He teaches me more of the basics of his language and I am picking it up well.

"Good, princess," he says as I speak a full sentence in his language. I smile and he gets me to write it out. We continue for an hour or so before he tells me I should have a break. With that, I stand and make my way to the entrance of the cave. The sun is setting, making the sky look even more red than normal. I look down at my ring and sigh. The stone is still just as red as the sky. My throat dries just thinking about why the sky is the colour it is. I close my eyes and let out a long sigh.

"I remember the first time you saw a Lupine sunset," Karn says and I jump slightly, turning to look at him.

"It was one of the most beautiful things I'd ever seen," I reply with a small smile. He nods his head and presses a hand to my shoulder. "This is beautiful too," I say. "But it's also scary," I sigh.

"It is. Never has the sky been like this before. It is fading though," he tells me.

"You think?" I ask. He nods his head.

"Yes. I don't think it will be long before the colour returns to normal."

"How do you know?" I ask. He chuckles.

"Come on, princess," he grins. "You have the Lupine gift of enhanced senses. Surely your eyes can pick up on the fact that the colour has begun to fade," he jokes. I narrow my eyes at the sky and remember the deep colour the first day after Rayana's death. Sure enough, it does look lighter. I don't say anything as I sit down on a rock, watching the glowing orange sun disappear beyond the horizon. Karn sits next to me, not saying anything. I am grateful for his company.

"Dinner!" a shout calls. We both turn and watch as the meat is taken from the fire and a Lupine begins to slice it. We all sit around the fire. Una on my left and Zoran on my right. I eat in silence and watch as the others joke and laugh with each other. My eyes fall on Kai who is talking with Cilla and Matao. We are on our way to Cilla's territory first. Despite thinking this is a waste of vital time, I am excited to be travelling more around these lands. The other teams we had left with have already taken different routes to their territories which we will be visiting later. My eyes fall on Stesha and Hali Valmir who sit in the corner, talking to each other. So far, they've not been a problem. They mostly keep to themselves or chat with some of the other warriors coming with us. Though I am still wary around them. Especially when I see Hali give me an occasional glare. Hadya's little sister seems to be just as arrogant and mean as Hadya.

"Illyana, come," Cilla says, moving aside so I can sit between her and Kai. I smile nervously and stand, walking over to the two. Kai smiles down at me as I take my seat next to him. 

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