Chapter Fifty-Two: Rayana

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Rayana knocks on Orianna's door and there is no answer. Slowly, she opens it. Orianna is sat on her chair, staring out of the window and rubbing at her belly.

"Orianna?" Ray asks.

"Get out," she whispers. Ray gulps and steps further inside. "I said, get out, Ray," she growls.

"What's the matter?" Rayana asks softly, "you can talk to me."

"Please, just leave me alone." Rayana sighs and nods her head, turning away and leaving the room. As she is leaving, Orianna's grandmother approaches. There is no smile on her face and her skin is pale. She doesn't say a word to Ray as she pushes past her into Orianna's room.

"Lady Ray!" She rolls her eyes and grits her teeth as she hears Niklaus behind her. Putting a fake smile on her face, she turns to him.

"How can I help you, Prince Niklaus?" she asks.

"I would like a word," he smiles coldly. Rayana nods her head and the two start walking down the corridors. There is silence between them and Rayana's heart races loudly in her chest. Finally, he speaks.

"My council think I should have you killed," he finally states. "Publically, may I add, for laying your hands on a prince." Rayana chuckles.

"I do not die by your hands, your highness," she states. He raises an eyebrow. "Or those of your pathetic little council."

"Is that so?" he asks. "Care to elaborate?" 

"It would go over your head," she quips. He just laughs.

"You're a strange woman, Lady Ray," he sighs. "But something has to be done about the little display you made last night." Rayana laughs and shakes her head.

"You men and your ego's," she chuckles.

"Maybe," he states. 

"There is no maybe about it," she argues, her voice cold. "you and your vicious council are so desperate for power that you're poisoning your own sister and driving her mad." He freezes. "What, you didn't think I would find out about the little extra ingredients you've had the chefs add to her food? Ingredients that make her blackout, forget, disorientated as well as play other cruel tricks on her already delicate mind?"

"You know so much," he smirks, "but you don't stop it."

"I can't," she explains, "the events that are about to take place are set in stone. They cannot be changed. There is nothing I can do to stop you." She stops and turns to look at him. "But just because you may get what you want, doesn't mean you'll be free of the consequences, Niklaus, I can promise you that."

"Where do you get this knowledge from, Lady Ray?" he asks. She raises an eyebrow and starts walking again, clearly not going to tell him.

"There is no need to try to kill me, Prince Niklaus. You would fail anyawy. I will not be putting a stop to your plans. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do." With that, she turns from him without another word and heads to her room.

"Is that him?" Jasmine asks my father. He blushes and looks away.

"No," she says in a whisper. She laughs.

"You're blushing, Matt," she tells him.

"Fine, yes it is," he huffs.

"Huh, handsome," Jasmine smiles and nudges him.

"Just leave it, he shouldn't be here anyway. My father probably brought him here as a cruel trick."

The two stand in the gardens watching as a young man works. I recognise Tristain immediately. He is the boy my father grew up with back at the Baylon estate. He looks a lot older now. His skin is golden and tanned from working hours in the sun. His body has more muscle and his brown hair is messy. His eyes pop up at dart towards my father before looking down again.

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