Chapter Eighteen: Fallon

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They enter the main tent and Fallon's eyes widen. It isn't grand inside. The sheets of canvas is just enough to keep out the rain. What makes Fallon's eyes widen is the giant table sitting in the middle of it. Sprawled across the table is a full map of Vivelle.

"Wow," she says as she leans over it and traces her fingers along the mountains that make up the Fjords of Aldorn. The ones she had run through after leaving the flatlands. She looks at the flatlands on the map and shakes her head at the size of them. Hundreds of miles both in length and width of flat and fertile soil. With their hundreds of paths leading both to and from the capital city that sat on the highest point of the cliff that makes up one edge of the flatlands. She sighs and stands away from the map.

"So, what mine do you want to try and hit first?" Fallon asks, narrowing her eyes at the map.

"Well, Illyana already hit Flon and Ronzal and the two have not started back up again since. Unfortunately for you, these two are en route to the Lupine lands. The other three will prove a large detour," Fox tells her as he crosses her arms. "Though out of the three, only two are remotely possible," Harlen tells her. Fallon nods her head, looking at Dolca mine, right in the heart of the Fae lands.

"The Fae may have lost their visions, but they're still dangerous. To attempt any sort of rescue there would be very risky," Fallon says.

"That leaves us with Sarth Mine," Harlen says, pointing into the centre of a large mountain range south of the flatlands." Fallon licks her lips and lets out a huff.

"That brings me closer to the capital," she sighs.

"Sarth Mine is remote in the mountains. The roads are used mostly for the transportation of the finished products and there isn't the space for many tropes. It is still a good hundred miles or so west from the capital and even further from the city of Lora which sits on the southern coast," Harlen explains, pointing at the city at the bottom of the Vivelle. Fallon crosses her arms and bites her lip as she thinks.

"So," she begins. "It's remote and in the mountains," she says with a frown. "Making it difficult for big military groups to get to."

"Yeah. There are only two roads to the mine and they are both sketchy and well guarded. The mountains themselves are not very suitable for the average hike," Fox sighs.

"We've had spies in the area though. A group of Knights who grew up in the mountains. Know the place like the backs of their hands," Adam tells them, his deep voice sending vibrations through the ground. Fallon looks up at the huge beast.

"I guess their paths are not suitable for centaurs," she says. He shakes his head. "So, even if we were to sneak in through a dangerous mountain hike, how would we be able to get the centaurs out?" she asks. There is silence as everyone thinks.

"We can discuss the finer details soon. Let's look at the other mine."

"Hildorn Mine," Fallon sighs, running her hands across the picture on the map. This particular mine sits on the Eastern coast and is further from the capital than Sarth. However, it would still mean Fallon is going back on herself. "It isn't far from The City of Denmore," she sighs. The city sits only a few miles North of the Mine.

"They'll definitely have lots of reinforcements and manpower," she says. The tent falls into silence as everyone thinks.

Fallon leaves the tent, talking with Adam and Fox.

"I'll get in touch with the guides," Fox says before rushing off. Fallon lets out a long sigh.

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