Chapter Nineteen: Shaelyn

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Shae is groggy when she wakes. Evie sits at the end of Shae's bed, her eyes widening when Sha'e eyes flutter open.

"You're okay!" she shouts and hugs Shae.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Shae asks with a frown. She had used her powers plenty of times. Why had her body had such a reaction.

"Erm," Evie begins, "don't you remember. Bleeding nose and eyes, passing out?" she gulps. Shae nods and sits up, pressing her palm to her aching head.

"Strange," she grumbles, feeling the energy of the earth around her. She remembers when Ray took her to the lost wood and her power had exploded out of her. She had made a huge crater in the earth and then repaired it as if nothing had happened. She could make the whole city shake. Pushing two walls of rock together didn't seem like much in comparison. So why had it affected her so much? Evie helps Shae up.

"Perhaps you should rest more," Evie says and Shae ignores her.

"How long was I out for?" she asks.

"A day," Evie replies. Shae nods her head and walks to the door.

"What happened with the guards above?" she asks.

"Well, when you used your powers, it was just before they found the hatch," Evie begins. "The earth shook and they stopped searching and took cover, thinking it was just another earthquake. When you stopped, they found the hatch and it opened to reveal nothing but stone underneath. Our guards were left unharmed and the King's guards left to search more houses," Evie tells her as they walk into the main hall.

"What about the other ways out these tunnels?" Shae asks. Evie shrugs.

"Still hidden for now. They're more difficult to access and locate than the main one. We'll cope though."

"Good," Shae sighs and they enter the main cavern. Ren walks over, smiling softly.

"You're okay," he says. Shae nods her head.

"I'm not sure what happened," she begins. "Perhaps it was just all the stress and emotional toll," she shrugs. "It got to me and spread into my magic..." her voice trails off.

"Well, get some food and drink. I'm making an announcement soon," he tells her. She nods her head and goes to one of the tables. Luckily, they had plenty of food stored just in case they went into lockdown like this. However, it is being tightly rationed. She is given a bowl and sits down at the table. She scoffs it down quickly, realising how hungry she is before putting it down. In the time it had taken to eat, all the Knights have now gathered in the main chamber. They sit in silence as Ren begins to speak. His voice is calm as it echoes around the cavern.

"Right," he begins with a sigh. "As you are all aware we, the capital division, are in complete lockdown. Since the death of our friend, Princess Rayana," he pauses and Shae gulps, holding back her tears. "The crown has been searching for any of our members." Shae stands and walks over to Ren.

"It will be my grandfather," she says. "I don't think my father is in charge anymore," her voice is a hoarse whisper. Ren nods his head.

"Lord Sebastian Baylon," he begins, his fists clenching, "is a very cruel and powerful man. When we start working again, I want you all to be prepared. We will be giving all of you a vile of liquid. This liquid will be poison. It is painless but it will kill you." The room falls into an awkward silence. "If you are about to be captured, you are to take this potion." His eyes glisten with tears and Shae reaches to give his hand a squeeze, speaking up.

"It is horrible," she gulps. "But it is better than falling into the hands of my grandfather," she tells the room. "I am his granddaughter," she says, her throat dry as she shudders. "And he did this to me." She holds up her shaking hand that is missing its index finger then pulls her hair back to reveal the jagged scar where her ear should be. "He did this and made my sisters watch. This was only to discipline us. Imagine what he'll do to you if he's trying to get information..." she trails off and Ren nods his head, gently squeezing her shoulder.

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