Chapter Twenty-Eight: Shaelyn

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Over the past two weeks, the caves have slowly been filling with more people and food. The Knights have been working tirelessly. Shae is always out in the city. She spends her days convincing her friends to leave their homes and join them where it is safe in the tunnels. For the most part, she's successful. Though not everyone is quite as willing. The city has been quiet, but it is angry. Though the riots have calmed down Illyana's symbol is being painted everywhere. The words The True Queen Will Rise, Down with the False King accompanies it. It is a strange situation. Hardly anyone speaks when they're out. No one looks each other in the eye either. Inns and drinking houses are shut as are some of the brothels. Sebastian's men are also always on the lookout. They swarm the city and raid whatever homes or businesses they see fit.

Shae licks her lips nervously as she looks out across the street. She is crouched low on the rooftop, not moving as the patrol walks beneath her. A long breath leaves her mouth when they disappear into the next street. Still, she leaves it a few minutes and double-checks the area before jumping down. With a huff, she lands on the cobbled road and takes off in the opposite direction that the patrol had gone. Night is closing in and soon, it won't be long until the bell rings for curfew. That doesn't mean Shae will return to the caves though. In fact, once it is dark, that is when the fun really begins. Rounding the corner, Shae gasps and quickly pulls herself back. With wide eyes, she watches as another patrol heads toward her.

"Fuck," she mumbles again, running off in yet another direction. As she runs, she is alert. These patrols are for show. What she and her friends really need to be careful of are the more discrete of Sebastian's men. Those watching from the shadows. Those waiting for the knights to slip up and accidentally lead them back to one of their secret entrances. Shae had used her powers to re-open the caves that held the passage to the main entrance. Hoping that as that house has already been searched, they won't think to look there again. With the unpredictability of her grandfather's hired thugs, they could never be too careful.

Though it takes longer from the detours, Shae eventually reaches the location she was aiming for.

"What took you so long?" Ren asks as she arrives, panting. The bells ring out suddenly, marking the beginning of the curfew. Anyone caught on the streets now would either be brought in for questioning or killed.

"Patrols everywhere. I had to keep changing my routes," she says as she looks at the rest of the team. They nod their heads in understanding.

"We need to move fast," Ren says as they approach a building. They are in the nicer parts of the city where the buildings are large and damage-free and the streets are free from dirt and rubbish. This house, in particular, is one of the nicest. Despite being in the middle of the city has lots of land surrounding it. In fact, there is a great stone wall with a black gate separating the grounds from the rest of the city. Beyond the walls are beautiful gardens and a large mansion. Shae had seen it from the towers in the castle enough times to know that it is the biggest estate within the capital city.

Hearing the thump of boots, the group of four all rush away. There are more patrols in this part of the city than any other. After all, the rich need protecting above all others... Silently, they climb up the side of the opposite building. Using the ledges of the windowsills and the uneven bricks as holds as they go. Practice has made them quiet as they move. When they reach the top, the patrol rounds the corner bellow them. With their black clothes, they are invisible against the dark sky. The building is four stories tall and from the roof, they can see over the wall and into the estate.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Em asks, looking at Ren and Shae. Ren lets out a huff.

"We have enough food now to hide for another six months. Even with all our newcomers," he begins. "If need be." He pauses and sighs. "We've spent the last two weeks on the defensive. We've taken in as many as we can and provided as much as we can," he pauses. "But we haven't done anything to help end this. We have to start doing our jobs soon," he sighs. She nods her head.

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