Chapter Forty-Two: Rayana

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Orianna and Rayana look at each other before following Queen Visara out of the room. Rayana's whole body shakes and she struggles to even breathe as she watches the retreating figure of Visara Dulavelle. She turns and smiles at them reassuringly.

"Come," she says again, her voice so smooth and elegant. Heck, even the way she moves is ethereal, powerful. Orianna is the first to recover and she clears her throat and starts walking after Visara, pulling Ray with her.

"So you were expecting us?" Orianna asks.

"Of course," Visara says as they fall into step alongside her. "I know both of your futures," she says. "And I shall be speaking to you both individually about them for there are things I can and can't share," she says. Rayana's heart flutters and Orianna sighs. They walk out into the gardens. It is night time, the moon bright and a golden glow from the fires light up the paths.

"So, you know why we are here?" Rayana asks.

"I do. And I can help a little," she explains as they come to the stone gazebo and she takes a seat. She gestures for the two girls to sit opposite. They do, looking at each other nervously. Visara smiles softly, looking around the gardens with a sigh.

"You do not have the Lupine gift," she begins, "but I wish you could see what I see. When the moon lights up the plants and the trees, it is beautiful," she sighs. Rayana doesn't know how to reply. Visara smiles a beautiful smile and turns back to them. "You both have many questions. I will answer what I can. Especially when it comes to understanding the Fae gift," she says, "but that will come in a minute." She looks between the two and smiles. "The two of you mark two changing points in history. Well, it will be. Though for me, of course, it is a very distant future. Almost one-thousand years," she sighs. "Both of you have hard decisions to make or have already made..." she says, turning to Rayana. Ray gulps, still trying to stop her hands from shaking. "Rayana," she begins, "you are here to find answers as to why you and your sisters are so powerful and for that, I will not tell you myself. I will, however, tell you how to find the answer for yourself." Ray nods her head. Visara looks at Orianna. "Now," she says, "the three of us are going to have to work together," she smiles. "I understand you keep a diary, Orianna," she asks. Orianna nods her head then Visara turns her head to Rayana. "And you write all your visions and discoveries and instructions in a book yourself?" she asks.

"I do," Rayana replies. Visara nods her head.

"I too, keep a book. In it, I have written some very dangerous knowledge, secrets and information. Something that a lot of people will be after," she begins. "What I want, from you two," she begins, "once it is time, are those books."

"Why?" Orianna whispers, licking her dry lips. Visara laughs.

"Because I shall put them together with mine. Then, with the right enchantments, I shall make it so that only few can read it. It shall travel through history, passing through the Dulavelle line all until it falls into the hands of the one who needs." Her eyes fall on Rayana.

"Illyana," she whispers. Visara nods her head. 

"Together, the knowledge and secrets we will store and keep will help your sister achieve her final goal and ensure, that what is happening to my daughters in your time, shall never be allowed to happen again..." her voice darkens at the last sentence and Orianna frowns in confusion.

"Okay. When it is time, I shall journey back and bring you both our books," Rayana whispers.

"Thank you," she replies. "Now, Rayana, if you wouldn't mind. I would like to chat with Orianna alone."

"Of course." Ray stands and leaves. She walks around the gardens for a while before finding a spot to look out over the city. It is smaller. A lot smaller. There is also no arena yet... She shudders just thinking about that place. Then, she lets out a long breath. Her stomach flutters as she takes everything in. She is here with Visara Dulavelle. The first Queen of Vivelle. A demi-god... This is just... madness. A hand touches her shoulder and she jumps. Orianna stands behind her, slightly pale.

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