Chapter Fifty-Seven: Fallon

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Reminder: This chapter and all the chapters I write until the end are not edited. There will be a few errors here and there. Once the story is finished, I will spend time editing them properly. Thank you for your patients.

The journey to the border of the Lupine Northern Lands takes most of the day, meaning they arrive not long before nightfall.

"Now, the day isn't as hot anymore. Their winter is coming," Merissa explains. Fallon nods her head. "However, it is still warmer than you are used to and it is still dry. You'll struggle to find a water source."

"That's why I have all of this," Fallon replies as Cassius puts a huge backpack on her. It is full of mostly water and food. As she will be running, he traps thick straps around both the bags and her torso to try and keep the bag from jumping and moving around as she moves.

"Perfect," Fallon says as he tightens it further.

"Heavy?" he asks.

"Not to me," Fallon replies with a smile. With her super-enhanced Lupine strength, she hardly feels the weight of the bag. The only other weight she carries is her weapons and some spare warmth.

"What's your plan?" Radeck asks her. Fallon lets out a small huff.

"Run," she replies, "and if I stumble upon some Lupine, get them to show me the way."

"Well, we sent a message to Illyana a few days ago that you were on your way," Stefan says. "Hopefully when she gets it, she'll be able to send Lupine out to look for you." Fallon nods.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Merissa asks.

"For the final time, yes," Fallon replies. "I will run hard through the nights where it is at its coolest-"

"You mean where it is nearly freezing?" Cassius asks. Fallon huffs, annoyed with the interruption.

"And don't forget at this time of year, as winter comes, there are huge rain and thunderstorms. Not to mention the wind and the fact the whole place is flat with little place to take shelter," Merissa reminds her.

"I know," Fallon almost growls. Cassius sighs. "I will be fine," she reminds them. Cassius sighs. "These are the lands where I get my Gift from. A gift that is stronger than any before me. The magic of these lands and these people runs through my veins. It has saved me multiple times and it has allowed me to save others." Fallon pauses and looks at the wilderness ahead of me. "They have protected me so far. When I am in the lands of the source of my Gift, do you really think I won't continue to be protected?" That has the others going quiet. Fallon smiles softly as she watches the sun start to set. It illuminates the sky in spectacular shades of vibrant pinks, oranges, blues and purples. Ahead, the ground is deep red from the colour of the sky and is an endless flat of rock and sand. Already, Fallon can feel the magic and beauty of the place. All her life she had heard of these lands. Of how dangerous they were. Yet no one had ever described to her their enchanting untouched beauty. She can almost feel its pull.

She turns and looks at her friends again.

"I wish we could have stayed together sooner," Fallon says.

"As do I," Merissa replies. "Oh, and we have an update on Ninzu," Merissa reminds her. "One that Illyana will want to hear."

"What?" Fallon asks, her brows rising.

"Word is being sent out across all the cities in Vivelle," Stefan says, "they are sending him back to the Lost Wood under the guard of Lord Drake and all his highest Red Guard members."

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