Chapter Forty-Four: Illyana

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I wear the same red dress that I wore for the Savage trial. The thin straps going over my shoulders, the neckline a low V, showing the curve of my breasts. The material clinging to my torso and thighs like a second skin. My leg exposed by the slit that runs all the way up to my thigh. I can't wait for Kai to see me wearing it again, especially after what happened last time. My room is busy. Wyatt, Una and Zoran join me as we get ready and my crazy Razan is jumping around. Barking and whining. I can't help but laugh.

"This is going to be the biggest party of the year so far," Una grins as she helps me do my hair. Making sure my braid is perfect.

"This is fucking nuts," Wyatt grins, shaking his head and standing up. He wears leather trousers, a loose shirt tucked into them. The V open, showing off some of his chest.

"I know," I sigh and lean into him slightly as he puts his hands on my shoulders. He smiles at me.

"I can't believe you're getting married," he says.

"Not for another two weeks," I explain, though even that has my throat drying and my body shaking with nerves. Two weeks. I get married in two weeks. The announcement was only made earlier today and already the day has been chosen. Then again, we don't have the luxury of time... Still, I still struggle to wrap my head around it.

"I bet you're glad Kai paired you with Illyana now," Zoran says to Una. She laughs and finishes up with my hair.

"I've been glad for the last two months," she says and kisses me on the cheek. I laugh and hug her tightly. She beams and hugs me back. Una also wears the same dress, though she has had it slightly changed so it isn't identical to mine. The neckline is a little different and some little bits of decoration have been added. It looks spectacular against her dark skin. Zoran smiles and stands. He must be able to sense my nerves. He puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder. 

"Princess," he begins, "this is a good thing," he explains. "You will have the full support of the Lupine. You will be their Lunavar. It is perhaps, a stronger connection and loyalty than a blood oath. Not magically, but emotionally," he says to me. I smile and nod my head, taking a deep, shaking breath. "You've won these people over. They respect you and they adore Kai. I am sure as soon as they see how happy the two of you are and see how well you work together, they will lose any doubts."

"Sure will," Una agrees. "Plus, having you as his mate means Kai's rule is pretty much solidified. Who is going to be stupid enough to try and kill the husband of the Queen?" she asks. I laugh and shake my head. I look at Wyatt, feeling tears spring in my eyes. 

"This is so silly," I say as I wipe them away. He laughs and pulls me into a tight hug, kissing the top of my head.

"It's not silly, Ana," he says, "you never thought you'd be able to marry someone you loved and someone who loves you in return. You deserve this," he says, "and I'm so happy I am here with you to witness it." I laugh. "Though your sisters are going to be pissed you're getting hitched without them," he laughs. I laugh too and it is a mixture between a sob as tears fall down my cheeks. He has a few tears himself as we think about my sisters. All so far away from each other. Missing out on the moments of freedom all of us now have and could share together. It goes quiet as Wyatt holds me.

"You'll just have to have a second wedding in the Capital," he suggests. I laugh.

"I don't think so," I say. "This is something pure and good. I want to keep it far away from the judgmental glares of the nobles and lords," I tell him.

"Fair enough," he chuckles. We jump as there is a boom from the Cannon. Everyone goes still but I narrow my eyes. The same sense of dread doesn't fill the pits of my stomach as it did before.

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