Chapter Nine: Fallon

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It takes a week for Fallon to leave the Fjords of Aldorn. The remote, cliffy terrain makes it difficult for her to run a smooth path. Having to make detours when she couldn't cross fjords or climb vertical cliffs. Some feats are too much, even with the increased speed and strength of the Lupine Gift. During the week, her body has tired greatly. Making it almost impossible to complete such feats like jumping from one side of a fjord to another she had done previously. Instead, she has had to jog and sometimes, even walk as her body struggles to cope with the exertion. However, she's been too determined to rest. Wanting to get as much distance between the capital and herself as possible, Fallon has only slept lightly and for a few hours. Not allowing her body the recovery time it needs. She had not realised how many of miles the fjords and mountains covered and when having to make many detours and difficult routes to get through, it has almost been like travelling through a maze. The remoteness of such a place means there aren't many paths to follow and she definitely didn't go to one of the villages. She remembers what happened when Illyana found help in one of the villages...

That is in the past, Fallon thinks as she begins to leave Aldorn. She is out of that beautiful remote place and now is her next challenge. Miles upon miles of open grassland. Hardly anywhere to hide... Fallon groans and sits down, massaging her sore muscles. Her clothes are dirty as is her skin. She has not bathed since that time in the river when she washed off the blood. Covered in a week's worth of sweat and dirt leaves her feeling stuffy and even more tired. Even strangely heavy. A long sigh leaves her mouth and she closes her eyes. They too are heavy and she longs for a proper rest. She can't. Not yet. She has to keep moving. With a groan, she stands and begins to lightly jog again. Her muscles scream at her and she can feel her legs shaking. Even still, she doesn't stop. Not knowing who may be after her or how far they are. 

She lies down on the grass. Staring up at the night sky. When it is dark, the red colour isn't as bright. Her eyes have grown used to the red light during the day and the strange colour it makes everything look. In the darkness, everything seems almost normal. Though the stars are also shaded red, which breaks that illusion. She closes her eyes and lets out a long breath. Rayana's death replays in her mind and the sky is a constant reminder. She can't think of anything else. It haunts her and brings her to tears. Silently, they spill down her cheeks. She doesn't make a sound or move to swat them away. She lets them fall and dampen the ground next to her. Fallon tries to distract herself. This isn't the time to be wallowing in pity. She has to make sure she survives. So, her mind drifts to her next plan of action. She can't keep running herself. Her body is breaking. Every day it is getting harder and harder to move. With every moment she rests, she feels as though she'll fall into a deep sleep and that can't happen. With a groan, she sits up before standing. Fallon has never been so exhausted. Her vision doubles and her eyes burn from the tiredness. Yet she can't rest. She can't trust anyone.

This can't continue, she thinks to herself. The next town she comes across, she'll have to hope that it is far enough from the capital that she won't be recognised. Perhaps, she could get a horse there. A horse, at least, would take some of the strain off her body. It won't help her rest though. Not enough. Fallon grits her teeth before biting her mouth. Biting so hard, she tastes blood in her mouth. The moment of sharp briefly wakes her body again, but soon that alertness is gone. Another long sigh leaves her. It is strange. The only sound she's heard has been her sighs or movements. She hasn't spoken for a week. Hasn't heard a voice or even seen another person. Never has she been so alone or disconnected. It scares her. All her life, she had people around her. Had her sisters. A lump forms in her throat and she swallows. Now, she's alone. Having never even left the capital.

If Illyana can do it, so can I. The thought gives her a little moral boast and she walks faster. Illyana left them behind and ventured into unknown lands to win her throne and save her sisters. Now, Fallon must have a journey of her own. She can't let Rayana's death be for nothing. She can't let herself be caught so she too is murdered. Illyana needs her and she needs Illyana. When they reunite, then she can rest.

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