Chapter Fifty-One: Rayana

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I am standing on one of the balconies of the ballroom. It seems to be a different party to the one I last watched. As I look down at the dance floor, I see my mother and father smiling as they glide around the room. I can't help but smile myself. They look so happy. Big grins are on their faces as they talk and laugh between them. MY mother's beautiful emerald dress swirls around her and her long, deep ginger hair flutters. She looks so much like Cordelia did on the night our father chose Kristoff to be the future king. That memory has me shuddering.

A shadow to my left has my body jumping and my heart leaping into my throat. It is my usual reaction whenever my grandfather appears in these visions. He walks past me, his eyes target on the King. My Grandfather on my mother's side does not look at Sebastian Baylon. Instead, his eyes are on the smiling and laughing couple that is Matthias and Jasmine. There is a gentle smile on his face. This in turn has Sebastian Baylon smirking and there is nothing kind about his nasty, cruel expression. I shudder and turn from him and watch as my mother and father leave the dance floor to stand by the sides of the room. They are served a drink before the waiter leaves them alone. The two lean in close and start talking. Quickly, I make my way over to hear what they are saying.

"God, I love you Matty," my mother chuckles as she sips at her champagne. He laughs.

"You love many men, Jazzy," he tells her. She raises her eyebrow.

"I'm not the only one here who does," she tells him. My father's cheeks flush and he looks down. She laughs and pulls him into a hug.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of," she tells him, "Love who you want. It's the only freedom we have in this cruel world," she sighs and pulls away.

"The consequences..." he begins, gulping and I notice his eyes flicker over to Sebastian. My father's face pales. My mother shrugs.

"What can they do to me?" she asks with a smirk. My father goes to speak and she cuts him off. "In a year, Marie will be eighteen," she states. "And I will spend two weeks battling against my sisters just to live." My mother looks away from him and down to the ground. "I'm either going to die, or live having lost the people I hold closest to me. Either way, I'm going to live how I want before that happens."

"You're braver than me," my father states. She looks up at him with a soft smile and presses her hand to his cheek, stroking it gently.

"You're a dear friend, Matthias," she says. "But you can't spend your life fearing your father. You are going to be the King."

"You don't know that." She chuckles.

"It's obvious," she states. "And, when you're the King, you have two options. Either you rule, or your father does." Matthias lets out a long sigh. "You're going to have to stand up to him at some point and you need to find your own happiness." My father smiles softly and nods his head.

"I'll try," he whispers.

"And you'll succeed," she assures him. He raises an eyebrow.

"Could you imagine the scandal if it got out?" he asks, shaking his head with a chuckle. "The future King likes..." he gulps, trailing off.

"Say it," Jasmine encourages. His eyes flicker around them.

"Men," he whispers and his cheeks redden again. My mother laughs softly and hugs him.

"There is nothing wrong with that. Plus, if it ever comes out, I'll tell all my own secrets. I'm sure a princess sneaking into the city to fuck her array of lovers would overshadow your scandal completely." He laughs.

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