Chapter Sixty-Nine: Illyana

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We arrive at the outskirts of a large forest after travelling steadily throughout the day.

"Any updates?" I ask Fallon.

"They are setting up a camp to rest for the night," she explains. I nod my head and bite at my lip as  I think. The Lost Wood is about fifty miles north from here and being this close to it makes my stomach flutter with nerves and unease. I can't imagine how Nianzu must feel. We have to get him free and far away from here. Tonight.

"What can the wolves tell us of security?" I ask.

"It's a secure camp. Very well lit, at least ten Red Guard members are patrolling and they are alert. There is no slacking with this group or falling asleep at your post. Every soldier there is ready for a fight."

"Our best bet is to attack their light source," I say. "They can't see in the dark as we can."  Fallon nods her head.

"They have torches lit around the camp and one big fire in the centre. Putting out the fire will be more difficult, but the torches should be fine," she explains. "We should all move around the camp slowly and get into positions surrounding it. We can't leave a way they can escape or get behind us. Attack from every angle."

"Yeah," I nod. Razan shifts beneath me, restless with excitement for the incoming fight. I run my hand through his fur and let out a long breath, already feeling slightly more at ease upon doing so.

"We ambush all at once," I tell the group. "Quickly and without warning. We give them no time to gather or make plans. Quick and brutal."

The others nod and we move into the woods. We move slowly, the wolves being careful not to make noise that could alert the group. After about half an hour, we see the glow in the distance from the camp. My heart starts to race and I feel the adrenaline start to build in the pit of my stomach, making it flutter. I nod and we split off in two groups with Kovan staying where he is. Slowly, out of sight of their firelight, we manoeuvre ourselves around their camp, Fallon's other two wolves joining us as we spread out also. Razan and I stand on our own but I can see Fallon in the distance on one side of me and Hali on the other. Razan haunches low, and I press my body against him, getting low also. He moves carefully and precisely, each step being sure not to make any sort of noise. His ears are pulled back, his tail tense and his eyes don't move from the camp. I lick my drying lips as I spot the Red Guard patrolling around the border and see the tents set around the fire. I also see a large wooden cart that is completely closed off apart from a small barred window. I gulp. Nianzu must be in there.

"Nianzu," I try through the bond. It has been so long since we communicated this way and I wonder if there still even is a bond.

"Nianzu," I try again. I wait in silence for a few moments before I hear a weak voice in my mind.

"Ana." The voice is barely a whisper, but it is there.

"Yes, I'm here,"  I reply back, my heart racing with excitement.

"It's a trap, they are prepared for an ambush. They are waiting for you."

"I know. But they aren't going to be expecting an ambush like this," I tell him. "You'll be free soon. I promise."

"Be careful," he whispers back in my mind. I stare back at the camp, not looking away. Especially when I see Lord Drake leaving a tent, adorned in glistening gold and silver armour. I smirk and then give Razan a nudge. He lifts his head and howls. Its deep ring echoes around the forest and the camp go silent. They look into the dark woods, unable to see us yet. They don't see anything until it is too late. Until huge wolves are jumping over the flames from the darkness and brushing out the fire as they leap.

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