Chapter Fifty-Three: Illyana

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Razan nudges into my side and I let out a happy sigh. His breaths are even and dee as he sleeps. I peep a heavy eye open and see that there the sky outside has a little light to it. Not too early to be getting up. My eyes close again and I snuggle into the warmth of my wolf's fur. It has been a week since the incident and Razan and I have been inseparable since. He has hardly left my side, not even to play with Nishka. I haven't minded his company though. In all honesty, my heart has started to race out of nerves every time he wasn't in my sight. I smile, glad he is here with me and I feel myself falling back into a peaceful sleep as my mind wanders to what plans I have for today. As I remember, my heart leaps into my throat and my stomach burns with a mixture of fear and excitement. Just as I realise, my door slams open. Razan jumps up instantly and growls. It is met by a bark from Tia, Riva's wolf. Razan huffs and lies back down as I sit up.

"Good morning," she grins and three more Lupine women follow after her, all carrying hands full of material.

"Morning," I whisper back, my mouth dry.

"Come on, princess, it is time to get up. There is a lot we need to do!" she hurries me. I gulp and get up slowly. She grabs my hand and practically drags me out of bed. I let up a yelp and she laughs.

"You should have expected an early awakening, princess. This is a very special day after all." I laugh nervously.

Oh yeah, I'm getting married today.

It has my throat drying and I can feel my hands shake slightly. I don't have time to think about it though as Riva practically strips me and throws me into the bathing tub that is still being filled with water from the other servants.

I must have been in the bloody tub for nearly an hour. They scrubbed every bit of mud and dust off my skin they could find. They ripping their hands through my hair and over my scalp. Then, as some girls had added various ointments to my skin, others had brushed through my thick hair with various lotions. Finally, after feeling like I've lost about fifty layers of skin, I am allowed out of the bath. I am wrapped up in robes that feel so soft. I frown.

"Are these silk?" I ask. Riva nods her head with a wide grin.

"Only for the specialist of occasions. Materials like this are very rare around here," she tells me. I nod my head, already knowing that.

"Well, hopefully not for long," I reply. That has all the servants giggling with excitement.

"That would be nice," she smiles as she sits me down and starts brushing through my hair.

"What happens to my hairstyle once I'm Lunavar?" I ask softly.

"Lunavar's keep their hairstyle so everyone knows which background they come from."

"Wait, so not all Lunavar's have been warriors?" I ask.

"Well," she begins, "Lunavar's who challenged the previous rulers have been, obviously," she chuckles. "But Lunavar's who have married into the position have been all kinds of trades. There have been teachers, farmers, blacksmiths and others." My brows raise in surprise and she laughs softly.

"The Lupine don't always need two warriors leading them. They just need someone who is wise and kind." I smile and nod my head. "Anyway, the only thing that will change about your hair is what you accessorise it with. You will be given some silver bands and rings to add to your style. You will also be given a metal headband."

"Kai doesn't wear one," I say, frowning.

"No, the headbands are to be worn once there is a united couple," she explains.

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