Chapter Seventy-Nine: Illyana

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Saying goodbye to Kai again is a horrible feeling. My chest aches and tears sting my eyes. If the worst happens then this could be the last time either of us sees each other. My body shakes as he holds me tightly. My mind spins thinking about everything that could go wrong. What if he gets killed in the battle? I feel sick at the thought of it.

Kai presses a kiss to my forehead and tilts my head up to look into his eyes. He smiles softly and leans down. The kiss he presses against my lips is so loving and tender that it fills my body with warmth. Too soon, he pulls away and rests his forehead on mine. There is a lump in my throat and I gulp.

"Be careful," he says to me softly.

"I could say the same to you," I whisper back. He chuckles. The deep laugh makes my heart race and I can't help but smile.

"In a few days, this will all be over," he explains. "We will win this, Ana," he promises. I nod my head and let out a shaky sigh.

"We have to," I reply.

"I believe in you," he tells me. I smile and kiss him again. It is deeper this time and he holds me tightly in his arms. Too soon, I am moving away from him.

"I'll look after him, don't worry," Fallon grins.

"Anyway, do you really think some poorly trained capital soldiers can kill me?" he asks, raising an eyebrow. I laugh and shake my head.

"No," I reply.

"Well there you go," he says. "We will be fine. In fact, I should be more worried about you," he sighs.

"Yeah," Fallon sighs, "don't get caught and don't get killed."

"I'll try my best," I say and hug her tightly. "I can't believe we are separating again," I whisper in her ear.

"It will be the last time," she says, her voice wobbling. I nod my head against her and give her a little squeeze.

"Yeah," I say.

"By this time in four days or so, we will all be a family again and celebrating in the castle. You'll see," she says. She sounds confident, but I can hear the wobble of fear in her voice.

"I can't wait," I say. My lips pull into a line as I try my hardest not to cry.

"Ana, we really need to go," Nianzu says to me. I nod my head and take a slow step away from Fallon. A long sigh leaves my mouth.

"Think of it this way," Fallon says, "you may be leaving me, but soon you'll be reunited with Shae," she grins. I let out a happy sigh and nod my head.

"I know," I reply. Fallon bites at her lip.

"Tell Shae I love her," she gulps.

"I will," I promise. Fallon nods her head. I look between the two.

"I love you both so much," I say, my voice wobbling. "Please be careful."

"We have a strong and united army, Ana," Kai says and gestures to the people around us. Wyatt, Zoran, Kovan, Aaliyah, Cassius and all of the others who I had come to consider my family. They smile at me, then bow. 

"We'll be fine," Cassius grins. "Trust us."

"I do," I reply. "Completely."

"Good luck, your majesty," Zoran says.

"Thank you," I reply and gulp back more tears. Razan nudges me and I let out a shaky breath before climbing onto his back. I square my shoulders and try and make my expression look tough. I had already given a speech to the main forces but now, as I depart, I must look strong.

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