Chapter Thirty-Four: Rayana

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I watch as my father arrives back at the castle after his trip to the Baylon Estate. Leander jumps out the cart with he usual confidence and I don't miss the servents around the courtyard flinch and lower their heads. He slaps my father's shoulder as he gets out of the carriage.

"It's good to be home, isn't it Matty?" Leander grins.

"Yes," my father replies and they walk inside. As they make their way through the corridors towards their room, a servent drops what they're carrying. My heart speeds up out of fear for them. Even though I know this has already happened.

"Oh," Leander says.

"I'm sorry, my Lord," the servant says, bowing deeply. Leander chuckles and looks at his other friends.

"The castle doesn't tolerate mistakes," he says. "People who serve Kings should remain in the shadows. Doing their jobs without being noticed or seen. We don't want to have to look upon you," he laughs. His lips twist into a cruel scowl.

"I'm sorry my Lords, it won't happen again," the servant says, her voice shaking. 

"No, I don't think it will," Leander says. "Stand," he orders. The woman stands slowly, her body shaking. Leander walks over to her and puts his arm over her shoulders, the wicked grin still on his face. She goes pale.

"Everyone makes mistakes," he says. "I get it," he continues as he starts walking down the corridor with her. "But, mistakes can't go unpunished," he says, his voice cruel. He looks around at his smirking friends. "How should we teach this young lady her lesson?" he asks. My father gulps when Leander's eyes fall on him.

"Matty?" he asks, his tone dangerous. He's testing him. Seeing what he'll do after what happened with Tristain.

"I say," my father begins, "that you're the one she wronged, Leander. You decide," he tells him, keeping his voice bored. "If you see fit to punish her, that is up to you. But I will not be a part of it." Leander raises an eyebrow then smirks.

"And what if I decide that we throw her on the floor and..." he licks his lips, "take turns with her." My father laughs.

"If I want to have my way with a woman, Leander," my father begins, "then I'll do it the proper way. Like a real man." The friends all let out laughs at my father's dig before a look from Leander silences them. Leander scoffs at the woman and pushes her away.

"Get out of my sight," he orders. The force of his push sends her flying onto the floor. Quickly, she stands and runs away, tears streaming down her face. "You're right, Matty," Leander says walking over to him and looking down into my father's eyes. My father doesn't flinch or look away. His fist slams into my father's stomach. He stumbles back, glaring at Leander. "But don't ever question my methods again." My father stands up straight and walks toward Leander. His body is calm, composed. There isn't even a look of rage on his face. Leander goes to defend himself as my father strikes. But having taken extra lessons and spending hours secretly training, my father is better. He knocks Leander's arm out of the way and grabs him by the throat. Kicking out his legs and having Leander kneel in front of him. Leander claws at his arms, but my father only tightens his grip. Their friends look between the two, their eyes wide with shock and confusion. My father's expression continues to look bored. It is only emphasised by a long sigh.

"You're a pathetic little man," my father tells him, his eyes cold. "Thinking that because daddy is a prince you can walk over everyone and bully people without consequence." My father squeezes tighter and Leander's face starts going red. "Your an arrogant, insufferable prick and no one likes you. Not even this lot. They just hang around with you because of your status and power. They don't care about you. Without your name and your father, you are nothing." My father lets him go and he falls to the floor gasping for breath. Loud, retched coughs fill the silence of the corridor. His bloodshot eyes look up at my father who stares coldly at him, a wicked grin on his face.

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