Chapter Twenty-Six: Fallon

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Cassius stands in Fallon's tent, that amused grin back on his face.

"Would you like to repeat that, Cassius?" Fallon asks the Fae lord. He jokingly clears his throat.

"Some of the Fae are respectfully refusing your request, Captain," he replies.

"And what are you going to do about it?" Fallon asks, raising her brow.

"Perhaps if they were to know why they all need to come in here for one on one interviews, that would put their minds at ease," he says, clearly trying to dig for information. Fallon smiles, not falling for it.

"Tell your Fae allies, that the reasoning behind my interviewing ever member of this camp, is to make sure their allegiances are in the right place."

"By right place, you mean to the king, of course?" he asks with a smirk. She smiles.

"Of course," she replies with a calm smile. "And also pass on the fact that if they refuse the interviews, then I'll execute them for treason."

"If they still refuse?" he asks, stepping closer to Fallon. "I'm guessing you need as many as possible for whatever plan you and your friends are hatching so I'm also guessing you don't want to have to kill most of them..." Fallon smiles up at him and lets out a long sigh.

"I'm slightly disappointed in you, Cassius," she says, looking away from him with a frown and leaning back against her desk. "I thought you were some all-powerful Fae lord. Yet, here you are having to ask me how to get your own people to obey..." He laughs and crosses his arms.

"I may have ways of getting them in line..." he begins and Fallon raises a brow and gestures for him to elaborate. "I could roughen a few up a little bit," he suggests. "I wasn't sure you'd approve," he continues. Fallon laughs and stands straight, walking over to Cassius.

"Come on Cass," she grins, "you know full well that I am not opposed to a little bit of violence in order to get my way."

"Is that what you're calling me now?" he chuckles. She doesn't answer his question.

"I've given you command over these Fae soldiers," she tells him. "I get the impression they don't like very much seeing as they are Present Fae and you're Past. But, I need them to understand that my decision is final and not to be questioned. Which means, Cassius, I am giving you free rein to do whatever you like in order for those Fae to follow your orders and mine." Cassius laughs.

"You're right with that one. They don't like that I've been put in charge instead of Commander Ina's second and they also don't like that I am a Past Fae and not one of their own. What they really hate though is the thought that I'm sucking up to the woman who killed their captain and taken over command. They think I'm betraying my race," he shrugs, uncaring. Fallon lets out a huff. "They don't respect me for that."

"Then get them to," Fallon shrugs. "And if one or two get killed in the process, I'm certainly not going to shed a tear." Cassius smiles darkly at her statement.

"Very well, Princess," he grins. She glares up at him and raises an eyebrow.

"Captain," she corrects. He laughs.

"Of course, my mistake. Captain," he smiles.

"Go, Cassius. Get it sorted." He bows his head, smirks and walks out of the tent. Fallon shakes her head, watching his retreating figure. She isn't sure what to make of the Fae. He knows who she is, yet she gets this feeling that his curiosity at the game she's playing is more important than any loyalty to his race or willingness to follow their orders. For now, though she doesn't completely trust him, she can trust that he is playing along for now.

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