Chapter Sixty-Eight: Illyana

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A journey that took me two weeks on horseback, takes three days with our wolves. They run fast and steady, barely needing a break as we race across the flat deserts. In the evening on the third day, the scenery begins to change from sandy stone to more green. We come to a stop as we cross the borderline.

"What now?" Fallon asks. I bite at my lips as I think. Una is looking at the rolling green hills in the distance with wide eyes. 

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah," she replies, "just never seen so much green," she sighs.

"Wait until you see the Queen's camp," Fallon chuckles. I nod my head in agreement.

"I just never thought I would actually ever leave, you know?" she asks.

"Yeah, I know," I reply with a chuckle and Fallon nods.

"We never thought we would be able to leave our city, we were destined to die in those walls," she shivers. I gulp, a lump forming in my throat. Fallon and I catch each other's eyes, both of us thinking about Ray.

"Where is the Lost Wood?" Kovan asks.

"A couple of hundred miles to the West," I state.

"We should send a couple of Luna's wolves ahead, to scout in that area. They can track your enemies from a distance whilst we get into a good position to ambush," Hali suggests.

"It's a good plan," I reply and look at Fallon. Before I have a chance to say anything, the two wolves that came with her are running off.

"We should take it easy as we travel toward the forest," I explain. "We'll get a proper rest tonight, we haven't slept properly in days," I yawn. "And we don't want to tire ourselves if we are about to enter a battle with Lord Drake and his best soldiers. We can't get cocky."

Everyone nods their heads in agreement.

"Now we just need to find a place to camp," I sigh.

We walk gently for a couple of hours until we find a good spot. There, we set up makeshift tents and a fire. We sit around it as the sun begins to set, eating dried meats we brought with us. Fallon tells stories of what she did on her way up here and about the mines. Tears sting in my eyes as she talks about what happened in Hildorn mine.

As night draws in, we agree on shifts to keep watch and Fallon and I head to bed. Razan somehow manages to fit into the tent and snuggle into me. It leaves Fallon squashed between me and the lining of the tent.

"For fuck sake, Ana," she grumbles. I just laugh and shover her even more into the tent lining. She elbows me in the rib and I let out a yelp. Fallon laughs which is cut off as I kick her ankle.

"Ah, bitch," she snaps, making me laugh. Razan barks, as if to tell us to shut up. Both of us laugh and Fallon snuggles into me. I give her a tight hug and we both fall asleep.

The following morning, we wake as the sun rises. I stretch my aching muscles and nibble at some more dried meat as the others stir.

"Any word?" I ask Fallon as she leaves the tent.

"Only complaining," she grumbles. I don't press her further as she glares at Arzuh, the wolf who stayed with her.

"I guess these wolves are as used to fields and forest as I am," Una chuckles, climbing onto Lucian. I laugh and move over to Razan.

"Just wait until you try some of the food that grows down here," Kovan chuckles and I can practically hear Hali, Stesha and Una's stomachs growl.

"Don't taunt them," I scold him. "It may be a while before we are able to get some."

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