Chapter Sixty: Rayana

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"Absolutely not, Rayana. Are you mad?" Orianna states as Rayana explains The Queen's Trial. Rayana bites at her lip.

"It's the only-"

"Just shut it with it's the only way bullshit!" she shouts, slamming her hands against the bars and making them ring. Rayana closes her eyes and lets out a sigh.

"Orianna," she begins. Orianna glares at her and Ray's eyes sting with tears. "I am so sorry, I really am. But this has to happen." 

"You want me to sentence all Dulavelle daughters to this cruel competition. How can you expect me to agree to something like that?" she asks.

"Out of all the suggestions that came from the council, this one was the best," Rayana explains. "Plus, this way you get a say. You have some power in this situation."

"I'm not agreeing to it. End of conversation." Orianna crosses her arms and sits down heavily, glaring at Ray.

"You're a monster, just like them-" she is interrupted by Rayana slamming her hands against the bars this time.

"Don't you fucking dare," Rayana growls. "I had to live through the trial," she spits, "I had to grow up knowing that myself and three more of my sisters were going to die. Now, right now, in my time, my eldest sister is working on bringing an end to the Trial and she will win. She has to. I died trying to help her do so. What is happening here is awful beyond words. But you are not the only victim here. I have a death sentence just like you. But our deaths mean something and we have to get as much power in this situation as we can. So you'll agree to this fucking deal because if you don't a worse atrocity will happen. And don't you dare compare me to them again."

Orianna's jaw is clenched as she glares at Rayana. The two stay in silence for what feels like ages, the only sound being a dripping coming from one of the other cells. Finally, Orianna lets out a sigh. 

"Fine, Ray. Do whatever the fuck you want. I'll agree to it. I don't have much of a choice anyway."

Ray lets out a long sigh and rests her head against the cold bars. 

"I wish I could have stopped this, Orianna," she gulps, holding back tears.

"Visara warned me that you would have to stand by and watch as something awful happened," she whispers. "I just didn't realise you would have to play a part in my trial and execution." She lets out a laugh but there is no humour to it. "I guess I'm going to be Vivelle's most famous queen after Visara herself," she jokes. "Even if it is for being a mad tyrant." She leans back against the damp stone wall. "How long, Ray?" she whispers, "how long until this comes to an end?"

"About four hundred years," Rayana replies. Orianna shakes her head.

"And that is the best we can do?"

Rayana nods her head. "We are powerful," she states, "but that doesn't mean our power can overcome everything. There are consequences to actions taken and you and I will pay for them dearly."

"What actions did I take to deserve this? Either of us?" Tears trickle down Orianna's dirty face and her voice breaks as she speaks.

"You were too good, Orianna. You were too good for the people around you and they took advantage of that."

"I'm too good, yet I'm going to be remembered as The Mad Queen."

"Not always, I hope. I will take your journal and my own journal back to Visara. Just like she instructed. One day, our stories will find themselves in the right hands and your name will be cleared."

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