Chapter Forty-Seven: Fallon

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A little note from me:

I am really sorry this update has taken so long to come out. With being so busy with coursework and uni life, I didn't have much time to work or even really think about what to do with rest of the story. For a long time, when I did have time to write, I couldn't figure out how to carry it on. However, I have had some time off and now am hopefully getting back into writing again. I hope you enjoy this part and another will be coming soon. Thank you all for being so patient. Also, this chapter hasn't been edited yet, so there may be a few errors.

For two weeks, Fallon, her new Fae allies and the Waterfolk travel East across Vivelle toward Hildorn mine. Taking a slightly longer route around the Fjords of Aldorn because that way they can travel faster. Fallon, secretly, had loved almost every moment of it. Racing across the rolling green hills and through the beautiful forests with her new team had been fun. Seeing the spectacular mountains of the fjords in the distance only made it all the more beautiful. Having never left the Kingswood or the city, a lot of the countryside is a new sight to her. The group also get along well. In fact, she is actually starting to like the Fae. Their arrogant, dark humour amuses her. Not that she lets them really see it, of course. They had spent the whole of the two weeks together, in the wilderness. Not wanting to get close to civilisation where there could be witnesses. Camping beneath the stars in some of the smaller tents that they had brought with them.

"We'll stop here!" Fallon calls after another long day travel. There are happy cheers and the Waterfolk quickly jump off their horses. It is a beautiful spot. Just on the edges of the Fjords. A hidden little area, surrounded by towering mountains of sheer grey stone that slice up from still, sparkling blue waters. It had required going through a pretty little pass in order to get to a small, remote beach of sorts. Here, they are completely alone with walls of stone around them and a body of water in front. Fallon can't help but look around her in awe of its beauty. The Waterfolk run to the water, the first proper body they had come across in weeks. As they run, they strip off the uniform. Fallon can't help but look in awe at the sparkling scales that line their bodies. Not that she gets to see them for long because with happy squeals, they are throwing themselves into the water. Her eyes widen and a laugh leaves her mouth as they start gliding and jumping up from the water. The sunlight glinting off their scales and their hair and eyes shining. Cassius sighs next to her and she looks up at him.

"What?" she asks. He smiles charmingly and looks down at her.

"They are beautiful," he says. Fallon can't help but nod in agreement.

"It is good to see them where they belong," Fallon continues. He nods his head. The two go quiet as Radek appears next to them, a wide smile on his face and his eyes bright as they gaze out at the Waterfolk who continue to jump and glide through the water.

"Of course," Cassius says, "if you would like to strip and dive into the lake, I won't complain," he says to her. Fallon lets out a long sigh and elbows him roughly in the side. An oomph leaves his mouth and he doubles over. Radeck bursts out laughing as Fallon shakes her head.

"Just get the tents set up," she orders, trying to hide her smile.

"Yes Captain," Radeck replies, still laughing. Imelda comes over and taps Fallon on the shoulder.

"Nicely done, Cap," she beams at her. Fallon laughs.

"Thank you, Imelda," Fallon says, smiling a little wider.

"Whose side are you on?" Cassius groans at the Fae woman.

"The Captain's of course."

"You're betraying your own kind," Cassius jokes. Fallon and Imelda laugh.

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