Chapter Four: Cordelia

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The Cannon sounds as she follows Kristoff down to the dungeons. She jumps and forces herself not to cry and the sound echoes around the castle. Kristoff doesn't react and she can still see Rayana's blood over his skin and clothes. She forces the tears back and keeps her head held high.

"Fucking hell," Kristoff chuckles when he sees the cell gates embedded into the wall opposite Fallon's cell. Cordelia's eyes widen.

"Something about Fallon you wish to share?" Sebastian Baylon says from within the cell as he looks around carefully. Cordelia gulps and licks her dry lips.

"Fallon was suspicious of me," she replies. "She didn't tell me much..." she gulps. Sebastian raises an eyebrow and looks down on his granddaughter. Suddenly, the ground shakes violently. Quickly, they reach for the walls and try not to fall.

"What the fuck is going on?" Kristoff asks. Cordelia doesn't answer as she falls down, knowing that this is Shae's rage. She can sense it.

"It's just an earthquake, boy. It will stop in a moment," Sebastian growls and sure enough, the ground stops shaking. They stand and straighten. Sebastian narrows his eyes and looks around Fallon's destroyed cell. The silence terrifying in Cordelia's ears as she tries to read what her grandfather is thinking.

One of his guards rushes down the stairs and bows.

"Don't faff around with that, just give me the numbers," Sebastian growls. The man clears his throat.

"Thirty-three, my Lord."

"Thirty-three? Fallon killed thirty-three soldiers on her warpath out of here?" he asks, his eyes widening with rage. The man gulps, his body shaking.

"Yes, my lord. The Red Guard are already chasing her though and I am preparing more of my men to after as back-up," he continues.

"Well stop standing here talking to me and go. NOW!" he shouts and the man rushes back out of the cells. Silence falls again and Sebastian glares at Cordelia.

"Fallon left quite the mess on her way out of here. Both to the castle and to my soldiers. More of a mess than she should be able to. Unless," he pauses and inspects the destroyed cell closer. "She has the Lupine gift," he replies, his voice cold. He lets out a growl and turns quickly to Cordelia again. He walks up to her and gets so close that he is almost touching her. She doesn't cower.

"It would seem there is a lot more to your sisters than we originally thought. What with Rayana claiming she had the Fae gift of visions and now Fallon with strength beyond what is human..." he trails off and continues to look at Cordelia with a cold glare.

"Do you think I have the Gift?" she asks. She shakes her head, but his cold blue eyes continue to pierce her. "If I had The Gift, don't you think I would have used it by now?"

"I don't know," he replies, his voice still calm. "You girls have been good at keeping things from me,"  he whispers cooly. Cordelia looks up into his eyes.

"I do not have The Gift, Grandfather. If I did, I would have used it against my sisters a long time ago." He huffs and steps back.

"Very true," he replies, looking away. "Your sisters have always outshined you in everything else. You've always been the dullest of my grandaughters," he shrugs and Cordelia gulps and forces the tears back.

"I do what you ask," she says. "I follow your rules." He scoffs.

"Don't try and defend yourself, girl. It's pathetic. Plus," he spins around to grin at her. "Obedient girls are boring," he tells her. "That is what you are." he steps closer and leans down to whisper in her ear. "A boring, entitled, jealous brat who would rather betray her sisters than accept the fact that she will always be in their shadows. A pathetic excuse of a woman who will do anything just to grasp the smallest bit of power." He chuckles deeply. "I hate Fallon. The girl is a disobedient bitch. But at least she is strong and confident. She fights for what she believes and protects those she loves even if it means sacrificing herself. For that, though I can't stand her, I do respect her. When I have her killed, I will make sure it is quick and honourable." He stands up straighter. "But you are just bland," he sighs. Cordelia clenches her shaking fists and grits her teeth. "You see, just doing what we tell you takes away the fun. The thrill is not the kill. It is the chase. Or, translating it so you'll understand," he chuckles, "The thrill doesn't come from your undoubted obedience and loyalty, but the methods in which you are broken to reach that state." He grins and looks away. "That is why Kristoff will never be yours. He will always belong to Amalie. You can't give him what he craves like she can. Your sisters gave you one job in your pathetic attempts at rebellion and you couldn't even do that," he laughs and walks back over to the cell. Cordelia stands there with a dry through as she tries not to cry. She watches as chains are wrapped tightly around Nianzu and secured to the wall of another cell. Kristoff grinning as he jabs spears into Nianzu's side. She walks over to the cell and looks at the still unconcious shifter.

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