Chapter Eighty-Three: Fallon

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They had marched the last few miles through the night. Despite being such a large force, they have moved quietly, relying on the whispered instructions from the Lupine whose heightened senses allowed them to see in the low light of the moon almost as though it were day.

The bells had rung just as the sun had started to rise. Fallon looks at the huge cliff ahead of her. Catapults line the walls of the city on the cliff above and she can see the rows of archers there also. Beneath the cliff, neat lines upon lines of armour glad soldiers stand, waiting.

Beyond them are the passages and paths that lead up the cliff and into the city. Fallon can see the gap into the very tunnel that will lead them into the courtyard of the castle which Illyana had taken to escape.

They come to a stop. Kai looks at her and Fallon bites at her lips. In her chest, her heart flutters nervously. She prays that Illyana got into the castle. Hopefully, Illyana will put an end to it before the fighting starts.

Silence settles across both sides. They watch each other nervously. The air is tense. Hands tighten around weapons, sweat gleams across skin and breaths are shaky beneath metal helmets.

"What now?" Kai asks. Fallon opens her mouth to reply but it is cut short by one of the catapults swinging.

"Take Cover!" Fallon orders as a huge stone is hurled through the air. She watches as it hurtles toward them. Her wolf jumps back as it slams into the ground before them. Fallon's heart races in her chest as everything goes quiet once more. She frowns, spotting a note stuck to the rock. Slowly, she approaches and rips it off.

To the woman who falsely calls herself the Queen,

I, the True King of Vivelle, do not accept your claim to the throne. Surrender yourself to me, and in return, I will allow your forces to disburse and return to their homes unscathed. I shall also pardon Princess Fallon and Princess Shaelyn. They can leave this city and live normal lives.

That is my offer.

My General is waiting at the front lines for you to approach. Alone and unarmed.

Should you not approach in the next five minutes after this message is received, then we will attack. All your forces will die. If your forces do not turn and leave, we will attack. They will all die.

We have the advantage here, Illyana. Don't waste the lives of those who believe in you in a losing battle. Surrender. Let's end this peacefully.

By order of King Matthias.

Fallon rolls her eyes and throws the letter to Kai.

"Coward," she hisses as he reads over it quickly. He lets out a scoff and shakes his head before passing it to Aaliyah. As it goes around the Lupine forces, they all shake their heads.

"As if we would surrender our Lunavar," Kovan huffs.

"What kind of king negotiates like this," Aaliyah spits in disgust.

"A coward," Fallon replies and the wall on the cliffs. A long sigh leaves her mouth. "Come on Illyana," she whispers. Her heart spikes as she hears a loud whistle from the enemy army.

"I guess the five minutes are up," Kai says calmly. Fallon nods her head and readies herself on the back of her wolf. She squares her shoulders and lets out a shaky breath.

"Ready!" she shouts. Kai shouts right after her but in the Lupine tongue. Fallon looks behind her, at the Centaurs, the Mer, the Sirens and humans. All united together. She smiles and nods her head. Then, she turns to Cassius.

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