Chapter Twenty-Three: Illyana

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The scenery changes around us. The orange sandy ground begins to be covered more and more in dryweed bushes and the great mountainous flat-topped stacks disappear. Leaving miles and miles of open and completely flat lands. Matao and some of his warriors separated from us a few days ago to head to his territory. We are in Cilla's territory now, heading toward the largest town. So far, we've passed a few small villages. By small, I think there were only between ten to twenty houses making up these villages. There are also small lone houses dotted around here and there. Made out of rock, mud and occasionally a little bit of wood. Not much though as there are no forests and hardly any trees in these lands. My eyes widen as I see a huge number of bison in the distance. We all pause and watch as two Lupine, one on the back of a large wolf and the other on horseback, run around them. Herding the beasts in the direction they want. Whistling and shouting as the animals move.

"Most our farms are as far from the boarders as possible," Karn tells me as he and Nyxa walk up alongside me. I nod my head at his statement. "Lupine this far out hardly have to worry about attacks from other races." I smile.

"Good," I say and we begin to run again. Karn continues to talk to me as we move. He explains how farms are very well guarded because of other Lupine and stealing. That farming families will only trust their own which is why their families tend to be very large. Meaning they have more people to protect their land and continue the business. They are also set up far from other towns and villages in the middle of seemingly nowhere. As we pass close to their land, I can see some of the Lupine giving us suspicious looks. Even when they know it is the Solavar and Cilla.

It is another five hours until we reach the first town of our trip. My eyes widen when I first see it. Still, the ground is flat, though in the distance are mountains. These ones not like the towering flat cliffs near the capital. Instead, they are more the traditional mountain range I am used to seeing. Though many miles away, I can see the snow on the peaks. The town itself I am told is seen as the territory capital. It is the biggest in Cilla's land. Hundreds of houses made from rock and mud sit tightly together in a sea of warm brown.  I can't see it clearly until we get closer, however.

The town is surrounded in a wall of stone. Nothing like the size or depth of the great wall around the capital of Vivelle though. There is one main road in and it consists of a wide, worn patch of ground cut out from the dryweed. Inside the walls, the town opens up. Houses have been made from the same reddish-brown stone but have been finished to the walls are smooth. Squares are cut into the stone buildings to make the windows with only thin strips of material covering them. Some of the houses rise two or three stories with stairs carved into the sides. Others have a colourful material canopy held above their front doors by rotting wooden beams. The rooves are made out of layers of dried dryweed and look almost like thatched rooves, though not quite as finely cut. The buildings in some places are packed closely together with only narrow streets between. Though the road we take is wide as it winds through the sea of houses. My eyes are wide with awe. The place is strangely beautiful. Lupine here don't tend to wear the same type of leathers we do. Only the warriors who guard it do. Others wear layers of colourful materials in robes. Everyone is busy. Some carry large stone jugs full of water. Others carry baskets of dryweed and red potato. Some have a few small pens for goats, chickens and pigs. Though they are guarded by a wolf and their Lupine. Children run around, laughing as they chase each other and play with wolf pups. Everyone pauses when they look up at us though and realise the Solavar is here. Their eyes widen and their heads bow. As word spreads, Lupine begin to surround us. The smile on Kai's face is huge as he greets everyone. I can't help but smile too as Nishka begrudgingly lets some of the children stroke her fur. Kai gives her a gentle pat and slides off her back. The path is cleared as Lupine invite him to spend the evening with them and cook him extravagant dinners.

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