Chapter Fifty-Eight: Cordelia

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Cordelia stands in the courtyard, her posture straight and her face expressionless. She watches as Nianzu is dragged from the castle. Around his whole body is thick, spiked chains that keep him from transforming. His head is slumped and his bare skin is covered in thick black grease, sweat and blood. The long black tendrils of his hair are knotted and dirty as they hang messily around him. Cordelia gulps slightly as his eyes flutter open. His gaze meets hers for a second. Weekly, he winks and smirks before his head lols forward again. Cordelia bites back her smile. She had been healing Nianzu since his imprisonment. Not much at first so her grandfather wouldn't notice. But, as she had learned and practised, she had been able to practically heal him fully whilst keeping the surface wounds looking bad enough. Plus, her grandfather had pretty much left him alone that last few weeks anyway, bored of the strange creature.

Nianzu is dragged onto the back of a wooden carriage where a cage sits. Inside the cage, the chains are secured tightly and Cordelia suppresses her wince as the spikes dig into his skin further.

"Wretched creature," her grandfather says as he appears next to Cordelia. She nods her head, not taking her eyes off Nianzu. Around the cage, are soldiers all mounting war horses. These soldiers include the remaining Red Guard loyal to Sebastian and Leander Drake. They all wear armour of shining silver, lined with cloaks of either red or green. Green is worn by the regular soldier which is embroidered with the golden tree of Vivelle. Over their bodies are an array of weapons. Metal sits over most of their bodies, protecting all their vital organs. Their faces are covered with sleek silver helmets too. The Red Guard wear similar silver armour, though their robes are red and still embroidered with the golden tree. Their helmets, however, are in the shape of a terrifying demonic skull. They are preparing for a battle and they aren't being subtle either. Then again, the whole plan is to draw attention and draw Illyana out from wherever she is hiding.

Lord Drake, on the back of a great grey warhorse, comes over to them. His armour is the most dramatic. Glistening silver lined with golden patterns on all the edges of each attaching metal piece. It practically glows in the sunlight. Over his face, a similar silver skeletal mask as the rest of his red guard, though this helmet has a big ponytail of red, featherlike material. Cordelia has to admit, he is an imposing figure. The whole group are.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Lord Drake asks. Sebastian scoffs.

"You're the one who trained them, it isn't me who you should be asking," he replies. The lord sighs.

"I don't mean in my protection, of course my men will be able to protect me against an arrogant princess and whatever savages are at her side," he snaps. "I mean, do you think she is stupid enough to fall for it?"

"You're the bait for a reason, lord Leander," Cordelia says, her voice calm. "As is the beast." Sebastian nods his head and Leander raises an eyebrow. Cordelia chuckles.

"Trust me, Illyana has been wanting to bury a knife in your back for years, she is not going to miss the opportunity. Plus, she's loyal to her friends. She'll come for the beast also." Leander just scoffs.

"Make sure when the Princess comes, you don't kill her. Bring her back so we can make an example of her and quell whatever support or ridiculous loyalty these pathetic people have for her once and for all."

"Of course," Leander replies.

"Now fuck off," Sebastian says. Lord Drake bows his head and turns the horse around shouting orders. The large group slowly clear out of the courtyard.

Cordelia turns and walks back into the castle. She finds a balcony that looks over the flatlands. Her throat dries at the sight of it. Where there was hundreds of rich green crops or tall golden wheat, is now miles upon miles of flat dirt; covered in the charred remains of the once was the food source to not only the city but most of Vivelle. She lets out a long sigh as she remembers watching it burn thanks to her father's orders.

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