Chapter Eleven: Fallon

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It is only a day after the incident in the Inn when Fallon feels something wrong. Sure enough, a problem soon becomes apparent. She hears it before she sees it. A deep thundering sound that makes the ground slightly tremble. She clicks, urging the horse on faster. The two race along the grassy plains and though Fallon looks around her, she can't see anyone. Looking back again, she realises that is incorrect.

"Fuck," she curses and grits her teeth. In the distance, following her trail, is a large group of horseriding soldiers. They're gaining too. She knew she shouldn't have gone into that fucking town! How had they managed to pick up her trail? Are there more Fae amongst them? She wouldn't be surprised. They are probably using their visions to catch up with her. She shakes her head, her adrenaline pumping in her veins as they inch closer and closer. Why is she even surprised? Her Grandfather had been ahead of them every step of the way. Of course he would set up bounty hunters and soldiers across Vivelle ready for her to escape. How many there are, she has no idea. They could be everywhere and now they have a lead, they are drawing together to hunt her down. A groan leaves her mouth and tears begin to sting in her eyes. Having not had a proper rest for so long, she wonders if she even has it in her to fight. Her body is broken and exhausted. Even now, she feels the deep ache in her muscles. She hears a familiar whistling sound. Reflexively, she ducks to the side. The arrow flies past her. So close, she could feel t almost graze her skin. They definitely don't want her back alive.

"Fuck," she grumbles again, hearing another whistle. A vicious growl leaves her mouth as the horse races up another hill. When they reach the top and begin the descent down, she jumps off. The horse continues to run, terrified by the events going on. Fallon runs in another direction. Hoping for now that they would follow the tracks of the horse. At least to give her enough time to snake around behind the group. Using all her mental strength, she forces her mind to block out the pain and takes a deep, determined breath. Her legs move faster and faster as she runs along the perimeter of the large green hill. On a different day, the rolling green hills or endless grass and wildflowers would be beautiful. Today, not so much. Though the hills do provide occasional cover for her to be out of sight from her pursuers, there is also nowhere to hide.

She comes to a stop as she nears the side she came from. Crouching low and watching as they run up after the horse. Not taking any notice of her crouched by the side. There are twelve in total. A mixture of regular soldiers and a couple of Fae. Obviously, their visions aren't as reliable considering the fact that they are continuing up the hill without realising she's doubled back... Strange. The Fae with their visions of the past, present and future, seem to not be as helpful to her grandfather as they should be. In fact, they could have ended all of this a long time ago, but they haven't. Not because they want Illyana to win. Fallon highly doubts that. But, there have been rumours. Rumours that the Fae's visions have been coming less and less. Perhaps, they haven't been able to give her father and grandfather any information about what's going on, because they aren't seeing it. Fallon brushes the thoughts aside and focusses. They reach the top and start their descent down the other side. She runs up behind them. She reaches the top of the hill with quick, little effort. Looking down as the group of horses reach the bottom. A smirk falls on her face and she forgets all aches and pains as she gets ready for a fight. Even though her body hurts, the satisfaction of these people fearing her pushes it all down. So she squares her shoulders, tightens her grip on her sword and grins. These people are helping those who killed Rayana. In her eyes, they are just as guilty. She takes steps forward. Steps turn into small jumps before she makes one final leap. Her body rises into the air and those few moments of weightlessness fills her body. Soon, she is falling. Being at the top of the hill and jumping down makes it so much easier for her to cover the distance she needs. Time moves slowly for her as she prepares her body for landing.

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