Chapter Thirty-One: Illyana

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Warning: Mentions of Sexual Assult and Abuse in the following chaper. Marked with *** when it begins and ends.

Over the next four weeks, we journey across the Lupine territories. Despite my reluctance at coming on this trip, I have really enjoyed myself. Seeing all the different towns and villages and meeting all the Lupine has been enlightening. The children are always so much fun as they play and everyone is so carefree. It is so different from the controlled, strict environment of the capital. We move at a slow pace as we journey back to the castle. Hali is to my left with Adelina on her other side. Una is on my right. The men are up ahead, Zoran riding with Kai on Nishka.

"Hali," Una begins, "tell us the story of the first time you gut drunk at the Solavar's party again," she laughs. Hali sighs and rolls her eyes.

"Really Una, you were there, you remember," she huffs.

"Yeah, but Ana wasn't," Una winking at me. I laugh and look at Hali.

"She's said it now, you've got to tell me," I say to her.

"Ugh," she grumbles leaning her head back and closing her eyes. "Fine," she says. Adelina lets out a whoop on the other side of her and I laugh again. It is strange. In the last few weeks of travel, Kai has forced Hali and I to work together at various parts and actually, I've found myself starting to like her. I am pretty sure the feeling is mutual too.

"Okay," she begins, "I may have had a couple of drinks," she sighs, "and after these drinks, I decided it would be a good idea to try and flip off a table. I told Stesha to watch me and makes sure I didn't smash my face on the floor and the fucker watched, but did he do anything but that? Yes. He laughed. He laughed because the very moment I decided to do my little trick, he Solavar walked passed and I crashed straight into him. We both went flying, ending up with me landing on top of the Solavar and Nishka hurtling towards me and to make matters worse, I was so drunk that I couldn't figure out how to stand back up again. In the end, Hadya had to come over and physically lift me off the Solavar whilst he calmed down Nishka. Then I threw up all over her and the Solavar. Hadya was so pissed, that she slapped me and stormed out of the room, knocking Stesha over on her way out. Luckily, the Solavar just laughed and shook his head. I started to apologise, but mid-sentence, I passed out." A snort of laughter leaves my lips and before I know it, my stomach hurts from laughing so much.

"I remember it so well," Una says through her tears. "The look on Hadya's face as you projectile vomited over her..."

"Stop, it was the most embarrassing day of my life. I am just glad I managed to get more on Hadya than on the Solavar," she sighs, her cheeks flushing.

"It was fucking brilliant, Hali," Adelina grins. "The way the hall silenced, the little squeal your sister made. The way she practically threw Stesha on the floor for not stopping you."

"Stop," Hali pleads again as she lightly slaps Adeline's arm.

"Oh, Hali," I sigh. "It is an impressive story," I begin, "but nothing will ever beat the time Fallon accidentally left me and Wyatt unsupervised on Shae's eighteenth birthday," I tell her.

"Oh, so you did more than vomit on the leader of your country?" she asks, raising her eyebrow to challenge me.

"Yes," I sigh.

"Do tell," Una grins as she stops laughing from Hali's story.

"Right then," I begin taking a deep breath. "I'll set the scene. The ball, thankfully, was over by then. It was the five of us along with seven members of the red guard and a few of our ladies in waiting. Father had decided we should spend the night with our friends, seeing as it wouldn't be long until the Trial was meant to start..." I trail off slightly as I remember. "The drinking games started first. They were the usual ones and for the first hour, we shouted and laughed and cried all whilst we drank more and more. Shaelyn wasn't feeling well, so Fallon took her to the corner of the room to get her away from the noise and try and help her sober up a bit. Cordelia and Rayana started playing some dare game with Merissa, Jack and Stefan," I pause, smiling as I think back to it. "So whilst they were all occupied, Wyatt and I snuck out. We stumbled down the corridors, drinks still in hand and singing at the top of our voices. Then, we started our usual game. The game where we challenge each other to see who can pull the most dangerous stunt. As usual, it starts out simple enough. Do a handstand, go and steal food from the chef, go and insult some important noble. Stuff like that. All until I challenge Wyatt to run through the gardens naked..." I start laughing as I remember his cocky grin at my suggestion. "He, of course, strips and begins running. Now, it is dark by now and the gardeners have gone home. But, are the gardens empty?" The other's are already starting to laugh as I tell my story.

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