Chapter Eight: Illyana

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I wake up in my bed with a start. My limbs ache and a groan leaves my mouth as I sit up. Wyatt sits in the corner, his eyes heavy and red-rimmed. 

"How did I get back here?" I ask, my voice croaky.

"The Solavar carried you back early this morning," he sighs and stands. He steps close to me and looks down into my eyes.

"You can't be seen with him like that, Illyana," he warns me. I look down at my feet.

"I know," I whisper.

"The Lupine don't want the two of you together. The Solavar is expected to marry into one of the High Families. Hadya Valmir, to be precise..." he tells me, his hand falling onto my shoulder. "If you come in the way of that union then you will never have the Lupine support and Rayana's death will be for nothing." I gulp and bite my lips.

"I know," I say again. He grabs the back of my head and pulls me into a tight hug. I lean against him and let out a long sigh, closing my eyes.

"I wish it wasn't Hadya," I sigh. Wyatt chuckles, his chest rumbling against me.

"Yeah, me too. Let's just hope you get the Lupine's alliance before she becomes the Lunavar or I don't think we'll get the help we need," he sighs. I back away and sit back down on my bed. I cat my reflection in the mirror out of the corner of my eyes. My body slumps and I let out another long sigh.

"I suppose the time for mourning is over," I say looking up at Wyatt. "I need to put on the brave face now, don't I?" I gulp, not sure if I can do that. He looks down at the floor.

"We both do. The Lupine are all about strength. There is only so long you can be a total mess before they think you weak." I nod my head.

"What do they expect from me now?" I ask, looking back up at him.

"They expect you to get your shit together and start planning your revenge..." I let out a small smirk.

"I guess I could do that," I reply. His eyes darken.

"I'll be right there alongside you," he tells me and sits down beside me on the bed. I lean against his side.

"I'm glad you're here. I couldn't do this without you," I tell him. He chuckles.

"Too right," he tells me with a smile. I shake my head and smile myself.

"Come on then, let's sort ourselves out. Go back to Zoran. You've been hanging around in my room for days. He's probably missing you." Wyatt smiles at the mention of Zoran's name. He stands.

"I'll be back in an hour," he tells me. I nod my head.

"Make it an hour and a half," I say. He grins and nods his head before turning and walking from my room. When he's gone, my room falls into silence. For a few moments, I sit on my bed. Slowly, I turn my head to my reflection. Pale skin, purple bags around my eyes, hair that hasn't been redone in the last week. Making it look scruffy with crazy strands pocking out everywhere. I look back down at my hands. Bruises and cuts cover the knuckles from the fight last night. I have another bruise forming on my cheek and a cut on my lip. Those are only the bruises that can be seen. Kai got some pretty good hits in. With a groan, I stand and walk over to my tub, drawing the water. When it is steaming, I get in and let out a curse as my skin burns. After a few moments, however, I get used to the temperature. It isn't long before my hair is down and I am submerged beneath the water. It feels good to have my hair down again. It's been it its braid for so long. Even though it will have to go back in it again before I leave my room. There is a knock on my door.

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