Chapter Sixty-One: Illyana

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Una walks over to me after breakfast is finished.

"How many of our forces have arrived?" I ask her.

"We have two-thousand Lupine warriors already in the city," she begins. "Three thousand have come from some of the other territories. We are just waiting for the arrival of two-thousand five-hundred from the far north territory."

I nod my head and we move down the corridor toward the balcony.

"Do we have everything ready to march?" I ask. She nods her head.

"The armourers have been working overtime to improve and repair our uniforms," she states. "The blacksmiths have also been working night and day to give us enough weaponry. Many of the common Lupine offered up their metals for the cause."

"Kai and I will put out a statement of gratitude later today," I explain. She nods her head. "Where are they all staying?" I ask.

"They're Lupine, Ana," she chuckles, "most are just sleeping outside beneath the stars. Though we have all had to ration food to feed everyone," she sighs.

"Well, as soon as the last of the forces arrive, we will leave the deserts and go to the Queen's Camp. They'll have plenty of food there," I explain. "And sleeping under the stars may be an option here, but back south will not be. How many tents do we have?"

"Enough, just about. They aren't the best quality but..."

"As long as they keep us mostly dry, it will be fine. As I said, there are proper tents at the camp," I explain.

We come to a stop on a balcony and look out over the city. I lean on the edge and sigh. It is busy. In fact, I have never seen it so busy. Outside the city walls, great masses of Lupine warriors have set up makeshift camps in large patches.

"How long is it going to take?" Una asks.

"What?" I ask.

"To travel to the Queen's camp?"

"Oh," I sigh, "A few weeks. Luckily, you lot can move fast and for a long time so it would be quicker than if humans were crossing."

We go quiet for a few moments and I feel butterflies in my tummy. We are only days away from leaving. Soon, I will be marching for my throne. I clench my hands as they shake slightly. Una puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"It will be okay, we can do this," she tells me.

"Thank you," I sigh.

"Now, is there anything else you need me to do today?" She asks I let out a long sigh.

"Loads," I reply. She groans.

"God, who knew being a second could be so exhausting. How did Aliyah do this on her own?" she grumbles.

"I need you to continue to oversee the arriving forces," I say to her.

"Yeah, I know. I'll head out there in an hour and liaise with the commanders of each platoon. I'll see to it they all understand their rolls and orders."

"Thanks," I sigh. 

"Ana!" It is Wyatt who calls me and I turn.

"Yes?" I ask.

"We need to plan our route back," he explains. I nod my head.

"I'll see you tonight at dinner," I tell Una. She nods herself and rushes off to start her tasks for the day.

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