Chapter Seventy-Three: Illyana

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The next week passes quickly. Every day everyone is busy from the moment they wake up until they go to bed. I received word from Zoran that the Lupine forces left the city three days ago. Despite the size and amount of Lupine coming, they are moving quickly and predict that it will be two to three weeks until they arrive. I miss Kai and the thought of it still being nearly three weeks until I see him makes my heart sink. Not that I have much time to think about it. My days are spent training, helping around the camp, and planning how to get to the city.

"There is no way we can hide an army this size travelling across Vivelle," Harlen says. I nod my head in agreement.

"They are going to know we are coming," I say. 

"They won't attack us out in the open," Fallon says. "Not with Centaurs and Lupine among us. We would slaughter them.

"Father wouldn't risk taking away protection from around the throne anyway," I say.

"The city is going to be desperate," Merissa says, having arrived from the city of Tolro three days ago. "Your father burned down most of the crops in the flatlands and is storing all the food in the arena. They are heavily rationing it. People are starving," she sighs. I bite at my lips and let out a long sigh.

"So when I take my throne, the first thing I have to deal with is a city full of starving people?" I ask.

"Sounds like it," Fallon sighs. "But, the good thing about it is it gives us a nice big battlefield," she says.

"With a disadvantage," Harlen says, "they'll have the high ground. There will be archers lining the top of the cliffs and armed forces guarding all the passages and paths up into the castle."

"Yeah, but we can't enter the city from the King's Wood," I sigh, "the walls are too thick to penetrate as are the city gates. Plus, I don't want to have to break down the walls of the city. Not only does it waste time and effort, but it also doesn't exactly look good to the people living there if I have to violently barge my way through." 

Harlen nods his head and Fallon crosses her arms. She looks down at the large map we have spread over the table intently.

"There are loads of passages in the cliffs that lead into the city, if not the castle grounds. Yes, they'll be protected by father's army, but do you really think they'll be able to fend off Centaurs and Lupine. Plus, if we have Sirens singing before we get there, that can also weaken the soldiers," she explains.

"You think Grandfather won't give them protection against Waterfolk gifts?" I ask. Fallon bites at her lips and nods her head.

"Still," she continues, "even with arches on top of the cliff, they won't be able to do much. I mean, the cliff is too small and there are well too many of us. If we all carry shields over our heads as we charge toward the ground army at the bottom of the cliff, they won't be able to pick us off. Then, once we are battling the ground army, they won't fire at us in fear of hitting their own men."

"What about catapults?" Merissa asks. "Sheilds won't protect us against massive boulders being launched toward us."

"No," I sigh, "they won't." 

"Plus, what if Illyana is killed in the battle? Then it is all for nothing," Harlen continues. Fallon frowns and leans on the table, still staring at the map. It goes quiet as everyone thinks. Then, Fallon's eyes widen.

"A distraction," she whispers.

"What?" I ask. Fallon looks at me and then back at the map. She points at the forest at the edge of the flatlands, near the Fjords of Aldorn.

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