Chapter Twenty-Seven: Fallon

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Fallon has her eyes closed as she sits in the copper tub. It turns out that Commander Ina had quite the luxurious tent. In her bedroom, not only did she have a large, comfortable silky bed but also a bathing tub and even a little fire pit. Fallon lets out a long sigh of relief as she pulls her hair out of its tight bun. Her hands run across her scalp and through her brown locks to loosen them. A moan leaves her mouth as the tight pulling against her head goes and her scalp feels free again. She keeps her hair out of the water though, not wanting it to get wet. She leans back, allowing the warm water to surround her tense body. Despite having washed her hands a few times, her skin is still stained red with the blood of the Fae. She quickly dips her arms under the water and grabs soap to scrub more off. It takes a little bit of time and she thinks she looses a few layers of skin, but eventually, she gets clean. When she is done, she leans back again and closes her eyes. Images of Rayana pops into her head. She bites her lip as the painful ache ripples through her body. A lump rises in her throat and her eyes sting with tears. Opening her eyes, she looks at the fire burning in the pit. Silent tears spill down her cheeks as she watches the orange flames crackle.

Why? Why did Rayana have to step out and tell the truth? Of course, Fallon knows why Ray had to do it and she knows that if she hadn't then Illyana would fail. But the moment Rayana revealed the truth to all those people in the arena, her death warrant was signed. Fallon grits her teeth and wipes the tears from her cheeks.

The sound of the tent moving alerts her to a presence. Though not from the usual entrance. Fallon's senses heighten as she concentrates. She closes her eyes and listens to the material scrap against itself as it moves to make way for the entering person. She can hear their quiet footfalls as their boots press softy onto the wooden floor of the tent. So quiet that had she not had the superior senses of the Lupine, she would not know they were here. Her sense of smell picks up a familiar scent. One of pine and earth. "What are you doing, Cassius?" She asks, not bothering to open her eyes. The sounds of movement stops before a deep chuckle fills the room. "Do you make a habit of sneaking around women's tents uninvited?" she continues.

"I just wanted to talk, Captain and I didn't think your guards outside would let me in. I didn't mean to catch you at an awkward time." She smiles, hearing the smirk in his voice. He stands in the main part of the tent on the other side of the material that separates the room.

"What is the topic of your visit then?" she asks, standing up.

"I wanted to update you on the situation with the Fae," he replies, not missing a beat. Fallon stands up in the tub. The curtain that separates the room is lacy, white and very slightly see-through. Not enough to be able to see in detail, but enough to see a silhouette at least. Fallon steps out of the tub and reaches for one of the robes that was previously owned by Commander Ina. She had to admit, the Fae woman had taste. Fallon can't help but smile as the silver silk feels soft and smooth against her skin. She actually misses being in the delicate dresses that she would wear back home. The silk robe sticks to Fallon's wet skin as it hangs delicately to the floor. The only thing doing it up is a chord around the waist which Fallon ties loosely. This leaves the top of the robe open in a long V shape.

"You thought that it couldn't wait until the morning?" she asks, walking out into the main room of the tent. Cassius smirks.

"I thought you'd want to know straight away," he replies. He does very well to keep looking into her eyes instead of her slightly exposed breasts. Something that amuses Fallon as she takes a seat on her chair.

"Right," she replies sarcastically as she reaches for a knife that is sat on the desk. "So it wasn't your plan to sneak in and try and catch me unaware so you have a chance of burying your sword into my back?" she asks as she lightly presses the tip of the blade onto her other index finger and spins the dagger around. Her movements so careful and precise that the blade doesn't cut her skin at all. Cassius laughs and holds up his arms.

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