Chapter Two: Illyana

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I grunt as our wolves collide. Kai grins at me from on top of Nishka as she and Razan fight. I grip onto Razan's furs as hard as I can and try to balance as he jumps and twists. Una watches from the back of Lucian, a smug grin on her face and her arms crossed. I let out a squeal as Nishka slams into Razan and I almost tumble off. I only manage to lift the sword in time to deflect a quick blow from Kai.

"Come on, Ana," he says. "You have to learn how to fight whilst your wolf is also under attack," he tells me as Nishka backs up. I am panting as I sit back onto Razan properly. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Easy coming from the man who has trained to do this his whole life," I mutter. Nishka and Kai charge again. Razan lunges forward, both of us determined not to lose. I clench tightly with my legs as Razan rises onto his hind legs to greet Nishka, their two bodies colliding. Nishka nips at Razan's side and I have to quickly move my leg to stop her from grazing it. Kai takes advantage of this and jumps forward to attack. I manage to block and regain my balance. Razan drops back down and lets out a low growl, his ears pinned back. Nishka has the same terrifying expression. I lick my lips nervously as the two circle each other. My eyes fall on Kai who is ready with his sword. Razan jumps forward. This time, he doesn't attack Nishka. He darts alongside her, allowing me to swing for Kai. He only just manages to arch his back as my sword whistles above his head. I spin it around, aiming for his back. He is too quick, bringing his own sword up to protect himself. Razan bites Nishka's flank and she yelps before spinning wildly to try and jump up onto Razan to get me. I have to actually jump forward to try and evade her snapping jaws. My heart races in my chest with both fear and exhilaration.

Razan doesn't like that. It is at that moment that he decides that this is no longer a fight between the four of us. He throws me from his back. I land on the ground with a clatter and look over to see Kai. Nishka has done the same to him and he falls with a heavy thud. I stand, feeling an aching pain in my side and arm and know that it will bruise later. Kai stands too and walks over to me as the wolves continue to fight. I raise an eyebrow and he sighs.

"Just leave them to it..." he tells me with a grin. Their snarls fill the air as they continue to fight and I just shake my head. A shadow appears next to us and I look up to Una who still sits on her wolf's back.

"Well," she chuckles. "That went well."

"We'll end early for today. It's almost dinner anyway," Kai replies and Una slides off Lucian's back. 

We walk back into the castle and toward the dining hall. Already, people are gathering. Una and I still get to sit at the Solavar's table so we walk up to it with Kai. Kovan and Karn walk in and over to us. Seeing how dinner hasn't started yet and people are only gathering, they are perfectly welcome to.

"So," Kovan begins. "How is the language going?" he asks. I have been speaking mostly Lupine for the last week or so. Being around it all the time and having lessons has made it easy for me to pick up. There is still a lot I need to learn though.

"Very well," I reply back in Lupine. He nods his head and narrows his eyes. I frown.

"What?" I ask wearily.

"Has anyone taught you the word Nillog yet?" he asks. Kai, very indelicately, spits his drink back into his cup and Una lets out a loud laugh. I look over to Kai with narrowed eyes.

"No..." I say, still weary. Kovan's eyes rise.

"Really? No one?" he asks, looking almost offended. I laugh.

"No, Kovan. No one..."

"Okay," he sighs. "I guess it is up to me. Say it."

I frown and cross my arms. "What does it mean?" Judging by the reactions of the other two and knowing Kovan, it can't be anything good.

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