Chapter Thirteen: Cordelia

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"Two fucking weeks! Two weeks since that brat was killed and the sky is still red!" Lord Drake shouts as he slams his fist on the table. They sit in the council chambers. The king is still absent and has been since that day. Sat in the King's space, is Lord Sebastian Baylon.

"Relax," he growls. "It's just the sky. It doesn't mean anything," he sighs.

"It does to the people," Kristoff says. Sebastian scoffs.

"The people," he mocks and rolls his eyes. "Who gives a fuck about the people think? What are they going to do about it?" he chuckles before his face returns to its cold demeanour. "Now, please tell me someone has news about Fallon. Has she been caught?" The room falls into silence. Lord Drake licks his lips.

"The trackers you set up across the towns have managed to locate Fallon," he gulps.

"So, why hasn't the cannon gone off with her colours then?" he asks, crossing his arms.

"She slaughtered them," he sighs in reply. Sebastian lets out a long sigh and closes his eyes.

"How?" he asks.

"We don't know. She just slaughtered them," Lord Drake gulps. Sebastian lets out a long sigh and runs his hand through his hair before looking to Cordelia who stands by the table.

"Care to give us any insight?" he asks sarcastically. Cordelia lets out a breath before looking at her grandfather in the eyes.

"You should have killed her when she was still in the cells. Now she's out, you aren't going to catch her. Admit you've missed your chance and put your soldiers to better use," she replies. 

"No," he snarls. "I will not allow that bitch to get to her sister!" he says. The room silences and he takes a long, deep breath.

"Get more Fae looking for her," he orders. "Their visions must show something soon," he grumbles. "Contact the centaurs and see if they've picked up on her trail yet," he instructs. "Now, please can someone give me any news on the youngest brat. She has to be in this city somewhere. Again, Cordelia, do you have anything useful or are you just as useless as I suspect you are?" he asks, looking at Cordelia. Amalie, who has a seat at the table next to her grandfather, smirks at Cordelia.

"No," I have nothing, Cordelia says. 

"Just as I expected," Sebastian huffs and leans back in his chair. "Remind me why I keep you around again?" he asks.

"We keep her around," Kristoff begins, standing up, "because she's going to be my wife and the mother of the next King," he snaps. Cordelia smiles softly at him before giving Amalie a smirk of her own.

"Calm down boy. You aren't king yet," he snarls. Kristoff sits and crosses his arms, letting out a sigh.

"Neither are you," Cordelia replies. The room falls into silence again. Cordelia rolls her eyes and Sebastian clenches his fits. She smiles delicately and looks around the room. He grits his teeth before looking at the others in the room.

"Just get Fallon and Shaelyn found," he growls and stands up. He leaves the room and Cordelia sighs. Kristoff stands and puts an arm on her shoulder.

"You shouldn't antagonise him," he tells her.

"I know," she sighs, looking up into Kristoff's eyes with a gentle smile. "Thank you," she begins, "for sticking up for me." He smiles.

"It's my duty as your fiance," he replies and leans down. She goes onto her tiptoes and kisses him gently on the lips.

They pull away and Cordelia lets out a sigh.

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