Chapter Twenty-One: Cordelia

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Cordelia pulls on her black robe and sneaks out of her room. It is the middle of the night. She walks to the dungeons. The guard outside the door goes to stop her but she looks at him and he pauses.

"Let me through," she says, lacing her words with compulsion. "And forget that you saw me," she continues, her voice smooth and confident. His body slumps and she walks past him. She's been subtly practising her magic over the last few weeks. Learning its capabilities and strengths and weaknesses. When it comes to Kristoff and making him love her, it is difficult. Forcing people to feel emotions that go against their nature is hard work. Though she was getting more control every day the longer he's been exposed to her compulsion. People like her grandfather or Amalie she was too scared to even try anything on. Sebastian Baylon has the type of mind and way of thinking where he would know immediately if his thoughts were being pushed or controlled. No matter how subtle Cordelia is. Strangers, however, and simple commands are getting very easy for her to pull off. Almost too easy. The more she does it, the stronger and better at it she gets.

She descends the stairs into the dungeons, the air turning cold and damp. Walking in the darkness, she comes to stop at a particular cell. Taking the torch from the wall, she holds it closer.

Nianzu hangs awkwardly. His arms are pulled behind him and away from his body. The shackles around his wrists so tight that blood drips down his arms towards his shoulders. He is on his knees. It is the only position he can sit in. The shackles around his ankles are attached to the stone beneath. Around his neck is a large collar with spikes poking into his neck. More blood drips down from his neck and over his bare chest. His chest which is covered in various stab wounds, bruises and lash marks. His skin is pale and his long black hair hangs messily around him, wet from the sweat across his body. He doesn't even look up as Cordelia enters. He can't. She gulps and opens the cell gate.

"Nianzu," she whispers. He groans and gently tilts his head up just a little so he can see Cordelia. "I can heal you," she gulps. "Not completely, but enough to make the pain go away..." she says. If she healed him completely, they'll know. She has to keep his wounds open and bloody. He only groans. Her hands reach up to his chest and she closes her eyes to concentrate. Healing comes a lot harder than using her compulsion. Her mind has to focus and it takes a lot of energy out of her. Still, she feels Nianzu's body beginning to repair beneath the skin. Soon, she pulls away. Nianzu is groaning and looking at her.

"Thank you," he gulps, his voice hoarse.

"Why don't you shift and get out of here?" she asks. He gulps, his eyes darting to the collar.

"I haven't got the energy," he replies. "The collar will kill me if my neck changes shape anyway," he replies. Cordelia lets out a sigh and steps back.

"I'll try and keep my grandfather from killing you," she says. "But that won't stop him from hurting you," she tells him. He nods his head very carefully.

"Thank you, princess," he replies. "You should go now before you're caught down here," he carries on, his eyes fluttering shut. Cordelia gulps as Nianzu falls into a peaceful sleep. Quickly, she leaves the cell and rushes back up to the corridor. The guard doesn't even appear to not her.

Cordelia does not go back to her room. She has other jobs to do. Instead, she scurries down the corridors, making her way to the guards quarters. They sleep four to a room. She sneaks inside. It is dark and the room is loud with snoring. Cordelia rolls her eyes and quietly walks to the first person. She shakes him gently. Before he stirs completely, her voice is quickly whispering into his ear. Enchanting and musical.

"You answer only to myself and Matthias Dulavelle," she whispers. It's a simple command. Not changing emotions and these men's only loyalties are to money. Plus, they'll already have some respect to Matthias and Cordelia. She just gives them a nudge to push them past their obedience to her grandfather and Amalie. He wakes completely and sits up slowly and confused.

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