Chapter Twelve: Rayana

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Rayana sits on the end of her bed watching as maids fill her wardrobe with an array of new dresses. The designer stands next to Orianna with a wide grin on his face.

"These dresses are perfect," Orianna beams. Rayana stands and walks over to the wardrobe, running her fingers over one of the dresses.

"It is so different from what I wore in my home," she says. Orianna smiles.

"That's the point," Orianna says as she dismisses all the staff so the two can speak in private. They bow and leave quickly. "You aren't Princess of Vivelle in this time, Ray," she sighs. "You are my Spy Master." Ray nods her head and picks an outfit to change into. "Which means you have to accompany me to my council meetings."

"Should I be nervous?" Rayana asks with a smile.

"If you are, be sure not to show it," Orianna warns.

"Don't worry, I know how to put on a show..." Ray sighs, thinking back to her own time. All the moments when she had to smile whilst her father and the council talked about their deaths in the Queen's Trial. A shudder runs through her just thinking about it.

The outfit she decides to wear today is a massive difference to the delicate dresses she is used to at her home. The corset is black and tightly done up at the back. Decorating the front are pannels of black metal that follow the curves of her body. It has a high neckline and long sleeves with protective leather cuffs over the shoulders. The back of the corset has material that hangs over her bottom. Over her legs are lose black trousers that could almost look like a skirt. Her hair has been pulled into a tight ponytail. Orianna hands her a dagger to hang from a belt at her hips before smiling in approval. Ray spins the dagger in her hands before sheathing the curved blade. Though she may not be the fighter Fallon and Illyana are, she still knows how to hold her own.

Ray lets out a long sigh and the two leave the room. Entering the council chambers is a strange moment. All her life, this was a room that was forbidden to her. A place where women did not belong and where she would have to watch as her father and his council discussed her future from a small hidden passage. Now, to walk in and see the council give her looks of fearful respect... It has her heart racing with a mixture with exhilaration and fear. She actually has power here.

Orianna's entrance has everyone standing from their chairs to bow.

"Good morning," Orianna smiles, taking a seat on the largest chair at the round table. Ray sits in the chair next Orianna's. When she sits, she catches the eye of Prince Niklaus. He smiles a charming smile and nods his head. Ray does the same back.

The meeting passes quickly and without any drama. Orianna instructs everyone on how to spend the incoming taxes. Telling them to focus on providing more resources to schools and healing centres.

"Lady Ray," Niklaus says as they begin to leave. Rayana stops and turns, looking back at him.

"Prince Niklaus," she smiles, keeping her tone friendly. "How can I help you?" Orianna touches her shoulder.

"I will see you later, for lunch?" she asks.

"Yes," Ray smiles.

"Good. I've had an idea about our other situation," Orianna tells her.

"I can't wait to hear it," Ray grins. Orianna looks at her brother and smiles. 

"Niklaus," she smiles.

"Ori," he says and raises a brow.

"I see how you look at my friend here," Orianna chuckles and touches her brother's shoulder tenderly. Rayana forces herself not to blush. She had noticed the looks from the prince too. Though they are so distantly related they could hardly even call themselves family, Rayana can't help but feel a little... icky. Then again, Kristoff is their second cousin. His father being their mother's cousin and sharing the same grandfather.

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