Chapter Fifty-Five: Illyana

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We are late to breakfast. Though both Kai and I can't keep the smiles off our faces as we enter. There is a huge cheer as we come into the dining hall which is set up as normal again. Kai and I laugh and go to the head table, taking our seats.

"That's beautiful," Una says, looking at the silver mark now swirling around my upper left arm. The little strands moving and curling within the ring. I smile at her.

"Yeah," I say. "I love it," I chuckle. "How was the rest of the party?" I ask. Una groans and rubs her head. 

"I drank too much," she sighs. I just laugh. Kai and I stand and everyone goes quiet as we begin morning prayers.

Breakfast passes quickly and the rest of the day is spent chatting with the Starva, the warriors and the high families as we plan to bring the Lupine forces from across the deserts into the city. We also plan how we are going to move out of the Northern deserts and into the mountains of Tarlon where the Queen's camp is. It takes two weeks alone to travel across the deserts to the border. It will be even more with a full force. We are going to need to start collecting supplies ready to carry with us. It will then take a further three weeks to get from the border to Tarlon. I am glad I still have three months of time left because holy shit, travelling to the capital is going to take up all that time. Still, everyone is optimistic and ready for the fight.

I let out a shaky breath as we finish the full day of meetings and planning.

"This is finally happening," I say to everyone.

"Yep," Cilla grins. I smile, thinking about my sisters. Soon. Soon I can see them again and be reunited. Soon, we will be free. 

"How do you think the Lupine soldiers feel about being called into war?" I ask with a gulp. Mateo, Karn and Kovan's father, answers me.

"We are a warrior race, we train our life for this," he chuckles. "Even those who aren't warriors have the same mentality of strength and viciousness. All Lupine would much rather the skills we spend years brutally training be used for good instead of on terrorising small villages by the border because we are desperate for food." There are hums of agreement and I nod my head. Kai puts a hand on my shoulder and gives it a squeeze.

"Plus, we never need an excuse to spill Fae blood," he grins. That has some of the other members of the group laughing. I nod my head.

"Do you think you'll be able to get information about what sort of defences your father will be putting into place around the city?" Karn asks me. I nod my head.

"I have someone on the inside," I explain. "They will be able to get a message out."

"She also has a shit tone of allies in the city," Wyatt explains. "And the support of the Knights of the Pheonix. At the moment, Ana has a shit tone more support than the King. He only has the Fae and even then, if they think they are going to lose they'll probably run." Kai nods.

"A Lupine force heading their way might see to that," he laughs. The others all break out laughing too. Zoran grins wickedly, his golden eyes starting to glow.

"Or hundreds of  free Waterfolk just waiting to sink their teeth into their previous slavers." His smile grows slightly and I see his teeth sharpening behind his lips. That has everyone going slightly quiet. He looks at me and Kai. "I know that the Lupine have long since been enemies with the Fae," he starts, his voice coming out more of a hiss, "but if there is an opportunity, please allow for my brothers and sisters to have a little fun." Kai gulps and I smile.

"Of course," I reply. Zoran smiles and nods his head.

"What are we going to do about protecting the Lupine people whilst we are gone? We can't all go," I ask. 

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