Chapter Seventy-Seven: Cordelia

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Cordelia watches from the balcony as her father trains in the courtyard below. He lets out a shout and kicks his opponent. Cordelia winces as the man goes flying across the courtyard and slams heavily into the wall. Her father takes off his helmet. He barely looks like he's broken a sweat. Master Jensen approaches and they chat quietly between them.

"I have to admit," her grandfather says, walking up behind her, "this is the son I wanted." They both look back at Matthias. Cordelia has to admit, he has never looked better. His figure is lean and strong. His dark hair is well-groomed and he had grown a full, beard which has been neatly cut. He looks like a king.

"I never would have thought that experimentation on Lupine would bring such results," Sebastian continues. "Had I known, I would have done it myself."

Cordelia suppresses a shiver and gulps. She looks down at master Jensen. He smiles up at her with his thin, twisted lips. This time, she does shiver.

"What a rat," Sebastian mutters. Cordelia nods her head. "Still, an effective one."

"Yes," she agrees and watches the scrawny, greasy man rush after the king.

"You're not losing your nerve, are you?" he asks. Cordelia turns to him and gives a cold glare. "I'm sorry I asked," he chuckles.

"I'll admit," she says, "It is slightly unnerving watching your father train to murder my sister."

"Not murder," Sebastian says, "Rightfully and justly execute a traitor." 

Cordelia scoffs and rolls her eyes.

"Please," she says, "We both know Illyana has succeded in the True Trial. She is owed the throne. We can pretend to other people that we are doing this for Vivelle, but to each other, we both know this is nothing but our own greed and agenders. It is murder if father succeeds. Don't sugar coat it in front of me."

He takes a step closer, looking into her eyes.

"Cordelia," he warns, "are you having second thoughts?"

She smirks. "I want my throne," she says to him. "But I'm not delusional enough to imply that what I am doing is for the benefit of Vivelle."

He nods his head and takes a step back. They move inside and start walking toward the dining hall, ready for dinner to be served.

"You know," Cordelia begins, "when Illyana gets here, Father has every right, in accordance to the True Trial contract, to accept her efforts and renounce the throne. What if he is just training to make it look like he is planning to fight?" she asks.

"Hmm," Sebastian says. "I don't believe he will do that. If Illyana takes the throne that easily it won't be long before the councilmen start scheming behind her back and setting her up as the new mad queen," he shrugs. "When that happens, they'll look to the man who gave her the throne and he'll be executed alongside her. No, for Illyana to truly win the throne, she has to face Matthias' challenge and kill him. Otherwise, it will be seen as weakness."

"You really think you'll be able to carry on scheming once Illyana has this whole castle full to the brim of her most loyal allies?" Cordelia asks. Sebastian grins.

"Never underestimate what people will do out of fear or greed," he says with a wicked grin.

"And what if she beats father in their duel?" she asks. "She already killed Lord Drake," Cordelia says. Sebastian scoffs and laughs coldly.

"Please, we both knew sending him off as bait was a death sentence. We're better off without that useless moron bumbling about with his useless Red Guard. Half of which defected against his leadership for the enemy. What does that say about his skill as a military leader?" he laughs mockingly.

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