Chapter Forty-One: Shaelyn

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Shae walks back slowly through her tunnels, her whole body numb and wrecked with exhaustion. She thinks back to what Cordelia says and tries to wrap her own mind around it. She fails. Too tired to really think or understand it. Her whole body feels so heavy. Everywhere aches and she lets out a long, tired breath. Finally, the passage opens and she walks into the healing room, her eyes heavy as her body gives out. Arms catch her and she tries to look up, but can't, her whole body slumped. She can feel herself being lifted and her eyes flutter open and closed, her arm hanging loosely down as she is cradled. Her eyes flutter open and she sees Ren looking down at her. Well, she sees three of him as her vision blurs and spins.

"Ren?" she whispers, her body shaking with relief.

"I'm here," he says and she starts to cry again, her eyes hurting after all the crying she has done. He smiles softly and opens the door to his room where inside is small wall where there is flowing water. There are a few little springs around the caverns and one main on in one of the other sections. Ren has one of the small ones which collects into a little pool before flowing beneath the rocks. He lies her down on the blankets that make up his bed before collecting a bucket and washcloth. Shae's head spins, her body so weak. He appears above her a few seconds later.

"Close your eyes," he says calmly. She does as she is told and feels the cool water against her face as he beings to wash off all of the black paint that smears her face. His touch gentle and soothing. Once her face is clean, he's moving onto her hands, lifting them to gently wipe away the blood. Massaging her hands as he goes.

"You're good at that..." she mumbles, saying back to him what he had said to her after she massaged her shoulders the prior day. He laughs.

"Well, I've had to do on this lot a fair few times," he replies as he lifts her other hand and starts clearing off the blood. Shae sighs, keeping her eyes shut as she starts succumbing to the tiredness.

"Shae?" he says softly. She can only hum in response. "I'm just going to remove your coat and corset so you're more comfortable," he explains. She hums again and feels her body being lifted and the coat being pulled away. Then, he removes all the weapons still attached to her before unclipping the buckles and straps of the tight corset. A sigh of relief leaves her mouth as the pressure of the corset it removed from her body. This leaves her in just the long-sleeved top and her trousers. Ren begins to press the cloth against her neck, wiping away sweat and dirt. Making her feel better. Though she would have to have a proper wash when she's recovered. Ren stands and moves away, tipping the dirty water into the pool for it to flow away beneath the rocks. Then, he comes back over and removes her boots.

"I'll leave you to rest," he says softly.

"Ren," she says and reaches out, grabbing his hand. "You need to rest too," she whispers, her eyes not opening. He doesn't say anything for a few moments and she manages to shift her body back to make room for him on the blankets, unbothered about the hard stone floor beneath.

"Let me just put some of the flames out," he says and moves away to extinguish some of the torches, leaving just one lit to provide a little bit of light just in case they need to get up. Then, she feels a blanket being moved to cover her and hear as he sits down on the floor and shifts onto the blankets. Shae's eyes creep open very slightly, too heavy to go further. She sees him lie down next to her, turning onto his side to look at her curled up body. His hand reaches out to stroke away a strand of hair and she smiles softly. Using up the last of her strength, she pulls her body towards his and puts her arm over his bare chest. His arms wrap around her, pulling her into him. She smiles as his warmth and comfort engulfs her. With his free hand, he pulls the covers of the thick blanket tighter around them. Soon, Shae is fast asleep and Ren is not long after.

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